The Goddess Words

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I woke feeling quite sore from the night before but couldn't help but smile. As I showered I remembered we have a prisoner that needs to be questioned.

'Damon dear where are you?'

'Morning beautiful I am in my office awaiting my beautiful mate to join me before we head to the dungeons. You headed down yet?'

'Well if my mate was wondering I am naked in the shower recalling our previous events.'

I could hear him choke on air in the mindlink and I could feel his arousal through the bond.

'My love I am not alone in the office. Your father and brother and my brother are here.'

'Ari dear, are you thinking what I am thinking? ''

'Oh yes Ry and i love where your mind is going.'

'Mmmmm this water is so hot on my skin.' I then send him mental images of me in the shower. Of me washing my body and letting my hands roam. I then hear him grow through our link.

'My love, Aryah you are playing a dangerous game here. And come on my dear YOUR FATHER AND BROTHER AND JASPER ARE HERE AM I AM GETTING A RAGING HARD ON I AM AFRAID TO STAND UP.'

I couldn't help but giggle and still had my inner wolf convincing me this could be fun. So I sent mental images of last night and I began touching myself. Making sure I am moaning through my link with Damon. I could hear him groaning at me through the link and I knew he wouldn't come up. I linked Jasper to keep him there saying I had a surprise and couldn't ruin it. As i began reaching my climax and as i orgasmed i screamed moaned into the link 'Damon yesss.'

I blocked our link and I hurried up showered and dressed and made my way to the office and when I entered Jax and Dad were conversing with Jasper and when I looked over to Damon and his face looked strained. His fist was clenching his arms on the chair and his knuckles were white. His eyes snapped to mine. Suddenly I let down the wall to our link.

'Aryah you have no idea how much i wanna bend you over my desk and spank you for what you did but i don't think our company would approve.'

'Mmm i might enjoy that.'

He gulped slightly, eyes filled with lust and desire to do as he wished.

'Oh my dear this game is not over for i plan to get my revenge.'

His smile plastered on his face. I knew he had planned something. I cleared my throat and went on to the grounds for training. To be honest I needed fresh air. Finally Damon and the others came out and we then headed for the cells. When we entered it was cold damp you could smell old blood and new. We finally reached his cell when he looked at us and grinned.

"Who sent you?'' Damon asked with authority.

"Please it is not going to be that easy. ALPHA" he spat at Damon.

After about an hour of torture he finally began to break.

"We were not sent, we were hired. We were hired to take your luna and kill her slowly and then return her body to you." he said in a broken tone. I couldn't resist the anger boiling in me as it was also Damon through the bond.

"Who hired you." he looked at me shocked.

"You still haven't figured it out, have you. God you two are pure dumb wolves together. I do not care if you kill me but I will tell you if you do it quickly." he nodded in response.

"You should already know.'' he pointed to me. "All this time, all the signs and you still are ignorant to who wants you dead. You defied him, embarrassed him, took his daughter from him, and made his mate weak due to the loss of both her daughters. He wants your head on a stick and your mate to suffer as he dies slowly. But first he plans on making you suffer; we were only a diversion. And you fell for its hook line and sinker."

Thoughts running in my head how could i be so stupid. Jasper snapped his neck as the man fell down lifeless. My body is panicking trying to figure things out that I could not see. Damon must have sensed my panic.

"Baby whats wrong?"

"There's only one way that bastard can make me suffer. Lara." and with that i sprinted out of the house. I needed to get to Lara. I ran as fast as I could.

Finally I reached her small little house and was horrified. He took her. I fell to the ground crying and I couldn't contain the pain.

"Aryah i am so sorry." Damon and dad kneeled in front of me. I don't know who spoke. I can barely hear due to me crying.

We all sat there for hours until my sadness was replaced with Anger. I raised my feet and they followed suit before they could speak. I said something with pure hatred in my voice.

"He took both my mothers from me so I will take his life from him. He wants a war, he's got one." with that we made our way to the pack house we have plans to be made there's a war a brewing and we were not going to be on the losing side i just hoped both Lara and Ariel were alive and okay.

I looked to the sky "Moon Goddess please keep them safe, I will end this evil but they shouldn't be harmed in the process, please please."

I woke up in a field again this time darker. And there stood the Goddess.

"My dear child we don't have a lot of time. I heard your prayers and I must give you another bit of info. This war is not going to be good there are two in the place of one both full of love but one will fall. I can not give you details but remember you are strong and only one is at fault and that is not you. Be strong my dear both your powers are coming and coming soon."

With that I jolted up in bed Damon still asleep by my side and the clock read 3am. I will admit I am now afraid of the warning so I curl up to Damon and fall back asleep with the words of the Goddess on my mind.

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