The Escape

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Pic above is Jasper how I imagine

'Ry are you there, can you hear me?'

'Ali is that you, your back, thank the Goddess.'

'The water was poison, it kept me from you but you have drained it out of your system and now we can communicate, I have a plan please trust me.' she chippered in my head.

"Jasper are you awake?"

"Yes, what is it?"

"My wolf is back and she has a plan, are you ready?"

"Beats staying here."

I didnt know what Ali was planning but I would trust her until the end of time. It was dark out. I lost track of how long I have been here but I couldn't wait to escape. I saw the guards at the end nodding off. I knew since I was beaten yesterday he wouldn't be back for another day. He had a pattern. I heard them snoring. This was our chance. I had stolen the keys while one of them carried me back to my cell. Once Jasper and I were out we took our hidden water and poured it down their throats. They wouldn't be able to mind-link anyone or contact their wolves. We tied them up and gagged them, throwing them in our cells in our place. We took the opportunity and snuck out the door and hid with the trees and made our escape. Jasper I knew was very weak but I needed to get him to his brother. I would not fail him. I promised him safety and to get him home.

'Ali I need you to take over please. I am weak. I can't go much further please get us home.'

"Okay Aryah but stay with us.'


I grabbed a hold of Jasper and helped him walk. We had to be quiet. We didn't know how far Austin's soldiers ran. I knew if I shifted I could carry him and make it there faster.

"Jasper, I am going to shift. I need you to get on my back and hold on. We will get nowhere at this speed, trust me."

He nodded in response and I could see he was in awful pain. I shifted into our midnight wolf towering Jasper. He stared at me in awe. He climbed on my back and held on as I ran through the forest as fast as I could.

We have been running for hours. I saw pack lights in the distance. I did not know where we were. Jasper passed out on my back and I was falling weaker by the second. My vision became blurry as I heard Aryah in my mind 'I am sorry Ali I can't go any farther.' 'Its ok Ry i understand just don't give up yet we will rest'. With that i dropped jasper off me and began shifting back and without another word i fell forward feeling the rain sting my open wounds on my back. As Darkness began to overcome me I heard an earth shuddering growl and I was out.


She was a midnight wolf like Damon, that's why someone wanted to get rid of her. She was getting tired and weak but still pushing to save us a true Luna. I bet she doesn't even realize it comes natural to her. I began getting more and more tired and it was heavy to keep my eyes open. She was slowing down. I suddenly hit the ground hard and before darkness came I heard the most powerful growl and I knew I was home.


Still no sign I was going mad. It has been years since I heard that name. Since he kidnapped my brother now my mate. Once I get my hands on him I will rip him apart. I had guards warriors searching anywhere and everywhere for her, or Austin. I began to wonder if my little brother was still alive. We were all so close until that fateful day.


We all met at our tree house. On the door it has our initials carved into it. Our fathers built it for us to have a place of our own while they handled business. Austin and Hunter finally showed up with our treasure box. "I think we should write a letter to our future Mates that way when we meet them we can give them the letters." Hunter said with such excitement. "Okay why not." We began writing and put them in the treasure box and swore to never take them out until all of us found our mates. While we played board games we heard the alarm go off. My dad mind linked me and told me to keep everyone in the tree house. I did as I was told. We all peeked out the window when we heard the howls and thunderous growls and saw all wolves fighting and some still in human form. That's when we saw Austin's dad fall and the hunter took off. I was stunned and couldn't move when all of a sudden the rogues grabbed Hunter and took off. Austin was devastated and he blamed me.

He blames me. I blame him. He took my brother over something I could not do. I had no control now he took Arya but what I don't understand is why.

'We will find them Damon, I know we will'.

'Yes assassin I am just afraid of what he is doing to her.'

Assassin growled at the thought of someone hurting his mate. I decided we needed to go to our thinking place. The tree house. I walk the field into the forest line. As I began to climb the tree ladder I heard the sound of someone running. I smelled the air and all I could smell was blood.

'Drake tree house now I smell someone there, not rogues but I smell blood.'

'Yes Alpha'.

Drake and Charlie were at my side in a flash. We began walking to where I heard the footsteps running before. The smell of blood was getting stronger. I knew we were close. Then I saw Aryah Ali carrying a man. The rain began pouring down and thunder in the distance. The man fell off of her back and she began to shift. She fell forward as I ran to her and I saw her back. The opened slashes on her back, the bruises the beating she took. Assassin and I couldn't go back. I let out a thunderous ear shattering growl that made my beta and delta bow their heads in submission instantly. I walked to her, scooped her in my arms and Charlie and Drake grabbed the man and then I smelt a familiar scent. I turned around to face them. I couldn't see past the blood.

"Pack doctor NOW". We all ran as fast as we could. I mindlinked the doctors letting them know to be ready. As i sat her on the bed doctors swarmed us "I am sorry ALPHA you need to leave we need to help her we can't why you are in here you wont like what you see.'' I nodded and walked down the hall to where the man Aryah saved was when Drake mindlinked me "GET IN HERE NOW YOU'RE NOT GOING TO BELIEVE THIS". I ran to his room and I was met by a set of sunken green eyes. He was smiling "Hey Damon". I was stunned all I could muster out was his name.


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