Is it Over

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I felt myself floating.
"Ari what's going on"?
Nothing but silence.
"Ari where are you"?
Still silent. I tried to open my eyes but couldn't. I felt trapped. Where could she be? Where's Damon, mom, dad. Finally It hit me like a ton of bricks I was shot. No, no this can't be happening. I don't want to die. I was in a massive panic overload when finally my eyes busted open. I was back in the  In the field with is this white orchids and the sun shining bright through the trees. And then she appeared once again.

" Hello my child. As you see the evil has been killed hes gone. I know you're very confused right now but let me say are proud I am of the Luna you are becoming."

I stared at her in confusion becoming but I'm dead.
" I was shot and then all of a sudden there was darkness I was floating through the sky apparently wait and now I'm here." I frantically trying to stay calm as I spoke to Goddess.

" Yes my child you were shot right now you are in limbo. And I know you're really wondering where ari is".
I looked at her in probably the biggest o face in history. All of a sudden there was a black wolf before me. Could it be?

"Ari is that you"?

"Hello Aryah kind of weird seeing you this way and actually speaking. Kind of nice." We both giggled and I engulfed her in a hug.

" Hello  Baby girl".
I snapped my head up from the voice was so familiar I couldn't believe it. There she was standing before me.
"Mama"? I said questioning.

"Yes sweetie it's me. The goddess allowed me here to see you and discuss your options." She said as she wiped the tear from my eyes.
"Yes honey. Options, either you and Ari stay here like this with each other. Or you go back to earth, to your pack, to your mate".
I was stunned "I have to chose between you and them? It's not fair mama".
I was angry how could I chose.
"Listen Aryah no matter what I will always be with you where ever you go. And I will support whatever you choose."

I turned to Ari.
"This isn't just my decision it is yours as well. So Ari what are we going to do"?

She walked over to mama Lara and nuzzled her her into Laras side. Smiled her cheeky smiled and walked back to me and looked down to earth. I knew she wanted her mate she just got him and I just got my other family back how could I leave them.

"Mama I love you more than the moon and sun because without them the world would fall." I hugged her tightly.

She then stood by the goddess as Ari stood by me.

"Good choice dear. Now go be with your family. Be the luna I destined you to be. And oh and one more thing before you go you may want to go to the doctor for a check up. We wouldn't want anything to happen to the future king now would we"! She then faded away with Mama Lara as I was frozen. Future king what oh my.
And like a bolt of lightning I was back on earth.

Damon holding me with a blue light coming from his hand, tears running down his cheeks. Everyone kneeling howling at the moon. I raised my hand to touch his teary cheeks. He jolted. His eyes red from the tears but not Damon's eyes at the surface they were assassins eyes. He grabbed me and hugged me like I would disappear. Mom apparently is where I get my stubbornness because here she came running with a doctor chasing her to calm down. She fell to the ground holding me. Apologizing for everything.

"Mom it's ok. I am ok." She smiled. "Oh Aryah I wish your father was here to see this but Jack had him killed years ago."

Oh boy I forgot how do you forget that. I mentally slap myself as I stand to my feet  Damon quick to grab me afraid I would fall.

"Mom I told you I had a surprise for you. I do I have two for you and one for Damon and everyone else." I said realizing what the goddess said.

I seen my dad coming to the edge and Jax walking to me.
"Mom I would like you to meet my brother Jax." He hugged her but you couldn't miss the complete utter confusion in her eyes.
"Mom I know everything and Jack lied to you".
"What do you mean." She was puzzled.
"Ariel my love it's been to long". Dad said causing mom to gasp at the sound of his voice. She slowly turned around and began weeping. He ran to her holding her tightly.
"Allen your alive. And your my mate." She said smiling through the tears of happiness.
I then heard Damon's voice  "what is the other surprise if we may know."
I gulped realizing I had to tell them I didn't know what to say how to tell them I mean come on.
" Well it's a long story so like before seen the goddess and Lara and I had to choose to come back or go to heaven. When I chose she told me to go to the doctor we don't want the future king to get hurt do we." With that I gasped for air walked to Shelley leaving everyone else star struck and frozen in place.

"Shelly I am so sorry."
"No aryah I am. I don't regret it he hurt you. He hurt us all. He didn't care about me. Never did." I just hugged her she is my sister and I don't care what happened in the past were together now.
"Hey shell let's grab our broken mates here frozen and mom and dad and go be a family a real true family. Plus I'm tired and need to listen to our goddess and go see a doc and get some food. Dying made me hungry".
We laughed together and I looked out to see our pack I was content happy. But I know no matter what life throws our way we are all in it together. I love Damon with all my heart and plan to be by his side until the end of this life and the next.

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