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"Rachel, I will not be ignored!" Sargent said, her voice stern

"I- I can't remember" I stammer

"What do you mean you 'dont remember'?" Sargent asked

"It means I don't remember."

"How do you not remember your parents Rachel?"

I can't think, it never comes to me. I don't even remember the name of my freaking birth giver!? Seriously Rachel? How pathetic. I say to myself. Can I remember anything? I sigh.

"Rachel you're free to go." The Sargent says.

"Don't you need this information?" I said, confused.

"Yes but I have no way of receiving it due to your memory loss," She replied.

She gestured to the door then followed me for a few minutes, then left me. She left me in the hallway, great. Oh well I'll find my way around her- Oof! "Hey watch where your going!" I said as I looked up to see a man, who was about 5' 11", he was wearing a green shirt with the initials J.T.

"You watch where you're go-" He stopped mid sentence and looked at me funny?


"OH! Nothing, uumm hi I'm James. Who are you, you look new?" He said

"My names Rachel. Now can you leave me alone?"

"You don't have the appropriate clothing on. You need your outfit," James stated

I was to tired to argue. "Lead on."

He led me down a series of hallways to a bog room filled with white clothes. "Here we go!" He said " "Take this one," he said handing me a white suit.

I put on the suit and at the bottom of the right sleeve it said No.450981. "What does this mean?"

"Oh that, it means your the 450981st child to come here." James replied.

"Wow! Is that how many are here?"

James eyes darkened "No, the children usually die of sickness or run off."

"Oh, that stinks."

James shook his head, as though trying to shake the thoughts off. "C'mon we need to get you outside... it's this way"


Authors Note:

Hey, um so yeah that's my book so far if you want to guess what happens comment down below. Bye

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