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I'm sitting on the bench that Lilly and I sat on when we met. I sniffle, its hard loosing your only friend at this stupid facility. A whistle blows signaling Lilly's burial. I walk their silently and sit a few yards away as I watch them lower her body into her newly made grave. I can't stand it anymore, I go try to find James, he said he was in the building looking for someone.

It's been like 3 hours and I still can't find James, but I continue the search and ask people where he went, most people don't know or refuse to tell me, but then this one boy who has dark brown skin and coal black hair, Frank, tells me he's in a meeting with the Sargent. 'Oh great!' I thought to myself, 'the Sargent my LEAST favorite person. So I sneak around and eventually find the office I was locked in when I first came, weird I can hear James and Sargent in there but there's something else something that's making a weird whirling sound. I slowly tiptoe to the door and eavesdrop.

(In the Sargent's room)

J: So what do you need to talk about?
S: I need to talk to you about Rachel.
My heart skipped a beat as she said my name.
J: Yhea what about her.
He sounds tense, but why!
S: She seems to have a close bond with you. No?
J: No she's just a friend.
My heart slightly aches at the words he say.
S: So she's just a friend you say?
J: Yes.
James sounds so tense, I need to see what's going on. I peek my face around the corner of the door frame and see well James, Sargent, and a tape recorder. But there's something else Sargent has a knife in her hand and is sharpening it! That's why James is so tense! I let out a small gasp and James's eyes flicker to mine. Luckily the Sargent is to distracted with the knife to have heard my gasp. But I have a bigger problem, how do I get James out of here. 'You don't.' My mind replies. Ok so I look back to James and his eyes are full of panic. "Say you need to go" I mouth the words. James does a small nod and asks the Sargent kindly "Umm, may I go now." where the Sargent replies "Do you need to do something?"
"Uh... oh yes I heard some kids were starting a fight right now!"
"Not possible" she replied "I've got recorders every where and there is no activity of fights going on."

Shoot. Wait, I can go start a fight! I look at games again and mouth "I'm going to start a fight!"
He does the small nod again and keeps distracting Sargent.

I'm at the facility yard and see two boys talking and see a boy some distance walking in there direction, so me being the wonderful thinker I am, grabs a rock and wait till the boy passes to chuck the rock at one of their heads it hits the boy who was talking and he turned around and started yelling and pushing. Sooner or later a fight broke out. and who better to come out than James himself! The fight broke up quickly and James walked up to me afterwards.
"Thank you so much for getting me out of there."
"No problem." I shrug.
James looks at me with those brown eyes of his and his hand grabs my hand. My heart skips two beats as he reaches in to do one more thing, he kisses me.
After we break from the embrace he looks at me and we sit in silence till he speaks again. "Wanna do night shift again with me?"

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