Chapter 1

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Aurora, Fred and George spent the Sunday before school began as always, with Aurora sat between Fred and George on the couch in the Gryffindor common room. The three were starting their sixth year at Hogwarts tomorrow.

Fred was talking to George about some new invention for their business to sell to the first years. Aurora admired their creativity but secretly cursed them for thinking of the idea because she knew she'd be landed with working out the spells and ingredients for their brilliant new product idea. She didn't mind though. She never did. She adored the two boys beside her with all her heart and always would.

Being an only child Aurora felt herself constantly feeling lonely as a child, whereas once she became friends with the two mischief making redheads she never got a moment of peace to herself.

"Say Rory, how come the Flaming Fireballs that Fred made aren't working?" George asked snapping her out of her thoughts.

"What are the main ingredients Freddie?" she asks the other twin sat to her left.

"I think I used Dragon Heartstring and I threw in a bit of Boggart Essence to allow the flames to change into whatever the user wishes."Fred says.

"Well there's your problem. The Dragon Heartstring is cancelling out the Boggart Essence, which means the flames wouldn't be turning into anything."Aurora states.

"So that's it! Thanks Rory, you're a genius!," they both chimed.

They both got to scribbling on some parchment while Aurora stared into the flames of the fire. With the fire heating her, in addition to the heat she was accumulating from the two boys on either side of her, she became too warm. She stood up and turned to face the two boys.

"I'm so warm and bored, walk in the moonlight anyone?"She beamed at the two.

"Absolutely,"the two said simultaneously.

"Only one small problem," George announced.

"Umbitch," Fred adds.

"Boys you underestimate me, I have a plan for that parasite."Aurora pulled two sugar cubes out of her pocket and held them in her palm.
"I embalmed the sugar cubes with puking pastille essence. That leech will be puking for hours on end, giving us enough time to get out for a bit without getting caught."


The three made out of the Fat Lady's portrait and down the stairs towards Umbridge's office. Fred and George peeked out from behind the wall to check for Filch. When the coast was clear, Aurora crept towards the ridiculously pink door. She knocked twice. No answer. She opened the door slowly, revealing the ugly office of the ugly person who resided in it. The cats meowed from their frames as they saw the intruder.

A sound made her jump slightly but she presumed it was just Peeves causing havoc for the Hufflepuffs as usual. Aurora made her way towards the desk. She replaced the normal sugar cubes with the embalmed versions.

It was too quiet. Looking around once more, satisfied with her trickery she turned around and reopened Umbridge's office door. Behind it, in the hallway, stood Mr.Filch with a Weasley twin held by the ear in each hand. He stood staring at Aurora.

"Evening Miss Jenkins, I don't think you and your two pets are permitted to be outside your dorms this late at night." He snarled at her.

Always : Theodore NottWhere stories live. Discover now