Chapter 25

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"Fred?,"George asked.

"Yeah Georgie?,"Fred answered.

George sighed deeply and pinched the bridge of his nose between his thumb and index finger.

"I can't do this for much longer. I doubt there's any good reasoning for what she did, but Ginny could be right,"George said defeatedly.

George watched as his brother let out, what looked to be, a massive sigh of relief.

"Thank merlin, me neither. I agree,"Fred said.

"I'm going to do my job as usual today. No bludgars get anywhere near her. I think we should talk to her later maybe,"George said seriously.

Fred nodded sharply.

"Me too,"he said.

George shot his twin a quick smile before he watched Fred's eyes drag to somewhere behind him. He spun around to the location of his brothers gaze.

There she was.

Already geared up for the game, her haired pulled back into a ponytail like it usually was for quidditch.

Aurora looked up to find two pairs of hazel eyes staring at her like lost puppies. It was certainly a change from the glares she was getting not hours ago. She looked back at them inquisitively.

She missed them. Granted, it had only been short while since they had spoken, but it was hell for her. She wanted it resolved. She needed it resolved. And she knew it was better to be  done sooner rather than later.

She had always been a believer in the saying, "Rip the bandaid off quickly." So, before her mind could even comprehend what she was about to do, Aurora let her feet take control. And they took her all the way over to the twins, who looked at her, completely baffled.

"Hi,"she managed to choke out.

The twins looked at each other and back at her.

"Hi,"they both said in unison.

"They drugged me. I wasn't in my right mind when you saw me last night,"Aurora babbled nervously.

She watched as their brows knitted in confusion.

"What do you mean Rory? Who?,"Fred asked.

She missed that nickname rolling off either of their tongues.

"Malfoy and Adrian Pucey. They-they....,"she trailed off.

"You say they drugged you, with what?,"George asked hesitantly.

Aurora felt her heartbeat quicken as she was reminded of the events that had occurred.

"A strong love potion, a sexual one...When you both saw me with Nott, I wasn't doing it knowingly,"Aurora choked out.

She watched as both boys before her paled visibly. Their expressions were guilt stricken and pitiful. She barely had time to comprehend what their next move would be before George lunged forward and wrapped his arms around her, Fred following seconds later.

"Rory...I'm-we're so, so, so, so sorry,"he rambled.

"Oh my Merlin Rory we didn't even let you explain,"Fred interrupted.

Aurora felt tears prick at her eyes. It felt good to have them back. Although their feud had been short lived, to her it had felt like a lifetime. A hell she never wanted to revisit.

"We thought you completely stabbed us in the back with Nott,"George said.

Aurora pulled out of the hug, her brows furrowed.

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