Chapter 3

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It was Friday and Aurora was walking Fred and George to quidditch practice. They had training with Wood and they couldn't afford to be late.

Aurora was currently banned from the team for knocking Malfoy clean off his broom for calling Hermione a mudblood during one of their matches. She didn't regret anything only the fact that he wasn't more injured. Slimy git. The Gryffindor team missed their top chaser dearly, but she was due to join back in about three or four days.

The twins had been tense as a result of their upcoming game against their rivals, Slytherin. As well as the fact that Aurora may not be back in time to play. Aurora walked in between the two on their way down the beaten path to the quidditch field. She could already see Oliver Wood zooming around setting up the pitch for drills. Oh how she missed it.

Fred dragged her out of her thoughts as he began speaking.

"So Rory, do you fancy a trip to Hogsmeade this evening for a butterbeer after practice?" He asked, trying to distract her from the fact that she wasn't training with them.

She was about to accept the offer of a drink with her bestfriends when her study session with Theo popped to the forefront of her mind.

"Shoot, I can't boys sorry. I'm doing this sort of study session set up for extra credit with Snape."

"Ooooo, she is a nerd," George poked her side.

"Shut it Weasley, one of us have to be."

"Study session hmmm? With who then?" Fred asked, both himself and his twin were interested in her answer. The slung their arms over her shoulders.

"Nott," she answers in a barely audible voice.

"What was that Rory? Crookshanks got your tongue?" Fred teased.

"Theo Nott," she said louder.

Both boys came to a standstill, causing Rory to do the same.

"Nott?! He's a  bloody genius! He's top of our Charms class and second after you in Divination! No way he needs tutoring,"George said with a surprised tone.

"Well he's shit at Potions apparently," Aurora said, intrigued at George's confession.

"Well, careful anyway, he's a heartbreaker," Fred giggled guiding the three of them to walk forward once more.

"Although, I've never even seen him with a girl before, he just has the rep I guess," George added.

This interested Aurora. She was aware of Nott's impending reputation as a playboy but she realised soon after, she too had never seen him with any girl in that way. Interesting, wonder why not? She asked herself.

He and the heartbreaker party that consisted of Malfoy, Zabini, Riddle and Pucey  strutted around the halls in their little v-shaped formation: Draco, Blaise and Theo, Mattheo and Adrian. They treated Hogwarts like, as the muggles would say, their Playboy Mansion. But Nott never did, as Aurora has just learned.

Before they knew it they were standing along the short side of the quidditch pitch. Aurora stopped and folded her arms and the twins retracted theirs.

"Right well, I'll be leaving you. Careful the both of you. Don't fancy fixing anymore broken bones," she huffed causing the boys to giggle.

"Worried about us are we?" Fred said sending her a wink, as he leaned in for a hug.

"Yes I'm tragically in love with both of you! Please god please don't injure your perfect selves just for me!," she gasped in a mocking tone.

"We'll try our best so, just for you,"George said as it was his turn to hug his bestfriend goodbye.

The two boys turned around and hopped onto their brooms. They sped off, up into the sky to meet Wood, who greeted Aurora with a friendly wave. She returned the gesture. Aurora liked Wood, he was always friendly and treated her like a lady. A pure gentleman, unlike a lot of the boys at the school.

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