Ch. 13 "TS-19"

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                                                Hayden POV 


"You ungrateful brat!" Hayden's  father yelled as he kicked her  while she was on the ground 

"S-Stop," Hayden pleaded as she covered her face with her arms, 

Her mother joined in, kicking and yelling 

"You should have been a boy instead we got you!" Her father yelled

                        End Past

our group is just outside the C.D.C. still standing in the light from the open doorway.

"Daryl,you cover the back" Shane said 

I was in the back with Daryl, ready for anything,

"Hello? Hello?" Rick said 

"Close those doors. Watch for walkers" Dale said 

our  group enters and looks around at the lobby. It's completely empty.

"Hello?" Rick said 

A man is standing in a doorway, a rifle in his hands.

"Anybody infected?" The man said 

"One of our group was. He didn't make it" Rick said 

" Why are you here? What do you want?" The man said 

" A chance" Rick said 

"That's asking an awful lot these days" The man said 

"I know" Rick said 

The man looks at every one.

"You all submit to a blood test. That's the price of admission" The man said 

" We can do that" Rick said 

The man lowers his weapon.

" You got stuff to bring in, you do it now. Once this door closes it stays closed" The man said 

some  run through the doors and follow the man into an elevator.I hesitated, me and small spaces don't really do, my parents made sure of that, 

I felt a small push on my back, I glared and seen it was Daryl 

"Go on get in," Daryl said 

I nodded walking in the Elevator 

" Vi,seal the main entrance. Kill the power up here" The man said 

"Rick Grimes" Rick said 

"Dr.Edwin Jenner" Jenner said 

" Doctors always go around packing heat like that?" Daryl said 

I was standing next to him, in the back of the Elevator, holding my breath, trying not to have a panic attack, I felt myself stiffen from being in a tiny box, 

"There were plenty left lying around. I familiarized myself. But you look harmless enough." Jenner said 

 [To Carl] "Except you, I'll have to keep my eye on you" Jenner said 

Carl smiles back at the doctor.

Edwin chuckles.

When he looks away the smile on his face dies.

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