Ch. 1 "Hayden Taylor"

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                                                      Hayden POV 

Hunting and tracking, the only things I was good at, if it wasn't for my bastard father I wouldn't have learned the things I have, the only thing he was useful for, I thought, 

Since the dead started eating people I've been living on pure instinct and staying in the woods, finding my food, making shelter, 

Right now the sun was just starting to set, I was just finishing cooking the squirrel I had caught today, the first time in a while, 

I've been tracking a deer for miles, but can't seem to catch up to the dang thing, so tomorrow I'm going to continue to track it, 

You see I'm thirteen year old girl sandy hair and blue eyes, I do not trust anyone especially adults, 

I was sitting around the fire when I heard a twig snap, I see my bow leaning against a tree, I went to go get it but it was too late, 

I heard a chuckle, 

"What's a girl like you doing out here on your own," One man said 

I didn't answer I just glared, 

"Not, gonna answer, so this is how it's gonna go, you give us everything you have and we won't hurt you," Another said 

I didn't say anything, Next thing I know I fall to the ground hard because one of them punch me, but I knew I wasn't just gonna take this sittin down, 

I got up punching the guy in the gut, then kneeing him in the head making him fall to the ground unconscious, 

Another guy tries to punch me but I duck, I knee him where the sun don't shine, and he doubles over and I knee him in the head, making him fall, 

The last guy pulls out a knife, he tries to slice me but I dodge it, until he catches me in the stomach cutting me, I kick the knife out of his hand, I kick the back of his knees that he falls to the ground to his knees, and I take the back of his head and slam it against a tree a few times leaving all the men that are taller and bigger than me on the ground unconscious, 

I see the blood, and tear some material and wrap it around the cut, it went from my hip to my belly button, the blood dripped on the ground as I put some of the material on the cut, 

I grabbed my bow and quiver with the arrows in it and walked away, I continued to walk until it started getting dark, I picked a tree and climbed it, until I was high enough that no walker could reach, 

I get comfortable hoping to find that deer tomorrow I thought as my eyes slowly fluttered shut, 

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