Ch. 9 "Argument"

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                                             Hayden POV 

"About Merle, there was a.. there was a problem in Atlanta," Shane said 

I don't like where this is going I thought 

"He dead?" Daryl asked 

"We're not sure?" Shane said 

"He either is or he ain't!" Daryl said 

I was glaring at Shane, 

The new guy walks over to us, 

"No easy way to say this so I'll just say it," The man said 

"Who are you?" Daryl said 

"Rick Grimes," He said 

"Rick Grimes, you got something you want to tell me?" Daryl said getting angry 

I can understand Merle is his brother his only family, I thought 

"Your brother was a danger to us all, so I handcuffed him on a roof, hooked him to a piece of metal, he's still there," Rick said 

I was now getting angry, and I do reckless and impulsive things when I get angry, 

I see T-Dog come into camp with firewood in his arms in the corner of my eye, 

"Hold on, let me process this, you're saying you handcuffed my brother to a roof and you left him there?!" Daryl said 

"Yeah," Rick said 

I was glaring at each and every one of them, what gives them the right to do that to someone! I thought 

Daryl throws the rope of squirrels at Rick Shane body slams Daryl knocking him to the ground, It made me flinch but I got over it, and I tackled Shane, 

Then I feel someone bearhug me keeping me from helping 

"Let me go!" I yelled 

"Sorry kid can't," T-Dog said 

"You'd best let me go!" Daryl said 

I continued to struggle, 

"Nah, I think it's better if I don't," Shane said 

"Choke hold's illegal," Daryl said 

"You assholes leave him alone!" I said as I struggled 

Daryl looked at me shocked, 

"Watch yer mouth," Daryl said glaring at me, 

Everyone turned their attention back at Daryl 

"You can file a complaint, come on, man we'll keep this up all day," Shane said 

Rick kneels down to be faced to face with Daryl 

"I'd like to have a calm discussion on this topic do you him we can manage that? do you think we can manage that?" Rick said 

Daryl pants as Shane lets him go, 

"What I did was not on a whim, your brother does not work and play well with others," Rick said 

T-Dog lets me go 

"Don't ever touch me again," I said glaring daggers at him, 

He looked away, 

"It's not Rick's fault, I had the key, I dropped it," T-Dog said 

"You couldn't pick it up?" Daryl said 

"Well I dropped it in a drain," T-Dog said 

I can see Daryl is about to cry but he pushes it back, 

"If it's supposed to make me feel better it don't," Daryl said 

"Well maybe this will, look I chained the door to the roof so the geeks couldn't get a him, with a padlock," T-Dog said 

"It's gotta could for something," Rick said 

"Hell with all Y'all just tell me where he is so's I can go get him," Daryl said 

"He'll show you isn't that right?" Lori said 

I glared at T-Dog about to let my anger lose 

"Hayden lets go," Daryl said 

I ignored him at first, 

"Hayden now," He said sternly so I followed him to camp 

I was gathering up my arrows, 

"You ain't goin," He said 

"You can't be serious," I said glaring at him, 

"I am," He said 

"You can't expect me to stay here with these idiots," I said glaring at him, 

"I do," He said 

I crossed my arms glaring at him, 

"Don't look at me like that, you're staying and that's that," He said 

I just glared, as he walked away,

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