Ch. 10 "Rage"

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                                          Hayden POV 

After Daryl decided to ditch me, and not let me go, I've decided to keep myself busy, by having minimal contact with any adults, 

But because people don't know how to take a hint, I'm down at the quarry with Andrea, Amy, and Carol, I think her name is, 

They are washing clothes I'm just sitting there sharpening my arrows, 

I hear someone behind us, it makes me uncomfortable when someone large is behind me, he lights a cigarette, 

I mean he's not directly behind us, but he's just enough distance away to get too close to fast, I thought 

I see Shane looking at Lori and Carl, then he looks at me, I guess he can see how uneasy I am, he smiles at me, I just nod and continue to sharpen my arrows, 

"Ed, Tell you what, you don't like how our laundry is done you are welcome to pitch in and do it yourself here," Andrea said 

I must have missed some of the conversation because I can sense some hostility and believe me I know what that is, I'm practically a walking hostile mess, 

Andrea tosses the laundry at Ed, he catches it and trows it back harder at her, 

I was starting to get mad, 

"Ain't my job missy," Ed said 

I glared at him, 

"Andrea don't," Amy said 

"What is your job, Ed? sitting on your ass smoking cigarettes?" Andrea said 

"Couldn't have said it better myself," I mumbled 

"Well, it sure as hell ain't listening to some uppity smart mouthed bitch tell you what-" Ed said 

"Come on let's go," Ed said  with the cigarette in his hand 

Everyone stands up including me, 

Carol goes to follow Ed's instructions 

"I don't think she needs to go anywhere with you Ed," Andrea said  

"And I say it's none of your business come on now you heard me," Ed said 

"Carol," Andrea said 

"Andrea puts her hand on Carol's shoulder, 

"Andrea please, it doesn't matter," Carol whispered 

I'm standing next to Andrea, 

"Hey," Ed said 

Andrea turns back around to face Ed, 

"Don't think I won't knock you on your ass just cause you're some collage-educated cooze all right?" Ed said 

So he's just like my family and abuser, I felt my blood start to boil, one thing I don't like are people who abuse their family, just one push I need and I'm gonna snap, I thought I already don't like this ass whole, 

Andrea gasped sarcastically 

"Now come on now, or you gonna regret it later," Ed said

"So she can show up with fresh bruises later Ed? yeah, we've seen them," Jacqui said 

"Stay out of this now com on! you know what? this ain't none of y'all business, you don't want to keep prodding the bull here, okay? now I am done talking come on," Ed said 

He takes Carol by the arm, 

"No, No Carol, you don't have to-" Andrea said 

Carol mutters, 

"You don't tell me what! I tell you what!" Ed said 

He strikes her, 

That quickly I jumped into action, 

I kneed him in the balls, then grabbed him by the head, then kneed him in the head as hard as I could, making him fall to the ground, I kicked him whiled he was on the ground 

I just saw pure rage, when I seen him hit Carol, what I saw was myself,

I kick him, and kick him, and kick him as hard as I could, 

"Shane help!!" I hear Amy but I just drown it out I'm just so angry, 

He went to get up, but I pull my bow out with and arrow aimed at his head, 

"Take another step and I will kill you," I said through gritted teeth

He charged at me and I shot him in the shoulder causing him to scream in pain, I ran towards him, I elbowed him in the face causing him to fall to the ground, 

I straddle him and continue to punch and punch him, 

"Hayden! that's enough!" I hear but I continue to do it, 

Until I'm brought to my feet, I'm in a bear hug from behind, 

"Let go of me!" I said continuing to struggle, 

"Not until you calm down" I hear near my ear

I finally stop struggling, I grab my bow and quiver and walk off,

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