Ch. 4 "Sneaking out"

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                                         Hayden POV 

I turned around to see Daryl glaring, I glared right back, 

I just rolled my eyes, I turned around and started walking, until I'm grabbed by my wrist, 

"Where do you think, yer goin?" Daryl said 

"It's not your concern that's where," I said 

What can I say, anger and hostility is my only defense mechanism, 

I went to yank my wrist of out his grip but he had other ideas, he started dragging me to just outside of the camp, and forced me to sit on a log, 

"Stay here," He said pointing 

"I'm not a dog," I said glaring at him 

"Believe me I know," He said 

He walked into the tent, he walked out of the tent, with a canteen, he handed it to me, I looked at the canteen then at him, 

"It's not laced with anything if that's what yer thinkin," He said 

He took a sip, 

"See," He said 

I grabbed it and took a sip, 

"Now, on to the obvious question, why are you sneaking out?" He asked 

"I was leaving, I don't trust any of you," I said crossing my arm, 

Daryl chuckled 

"Really? I couldn't tell," He said 

I just rolled my eye, 

"Now, go back to bed, if I catch you tryin to leave again, I will have no choice to tie you to a tree, since you only respond to anger and violence," Daryl said 

I just rolled my eye, 

"Now," He said with anger and that just triggered something in my mind and I stood up and walked back to the tent, 

What the hell just happened, 

I didn't sleep last night, afraid I was gonna get killed in my sleep, not by walkers no, no by these people, I don't trust them, not one bit, 

I see the sun rising, and so I decided to leave the tent, I make sure Daryl is in his tent and he is, good, I thought 

I smirked grabbing my gear, and walked out of the camp, 

Now back to what I was doing, tracking my next meal,

I kneel to the ground seeing the tracks, these look fresh, I thought 

I decide to choose my steps wisely, tiptoeing keeping crouched down, making sure not to be seen just in case it's close by, 

but as I get closer, I see something that just pisses me off, a walker chowing down on it, 

"Damn it," I mumbled 

I grabbed an arrow, and drew back releasing and it went right through the skull in-between the eyes, 

"Damn princess nice shot," I heard 

I spun around to see Merle, 

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked 

"Well lets just say, some people at camp were in a tizzy because you were no where to be found," He said 

I rolled my eyes walking up to the walker pulling out the arrow,

"Waste of a good deer," I mumbled 

"I'd say," Merle said 

I started walking away,

"Where you going princess?" He said 

"Away, and stop calling me that," I said 

"Oh I don't think so," He said 

Next thing I know I'm slung over his shoulder, 

"Hey! knock it off!!" I said hitting his back, 

"Jeez girl, do you even eat? I feel like I'm carrying virtually nothing," Merle said 

"Seriously put me down!" I said 

When he finally sets me down we are back at the camp, I straighten out my clothes, 

Daryl walks over to me, 

"What did I tell you last night?" He said glaring at me, 

I just glared right back, I'm not afraid of his threats, I've faced worse, I thought 

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