Ch. 5 "bitter"

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                                                Hayden POV 

Well I lose $50 didn't think Daryl would do it, I thought that's right I'm tied to a damn tree at Daryl's and merle's camp, 

"You know I'm pretty sure this is illegal," I said glaring at them 

"Well how else am I gonna get ya to listen you only respond to anger or retaliation," Daryl said 

"Well what do you expect? I don't trust any of you, including the others too cheerful if yer askin me," I said 

"He, I'm starting to like this kid," Merle said 

"And you two are starting to become a real pain in my side," I said 

Merle smirked, 

"Now who does this kid remind you of Daryl?" Merle said 

Daryl just rolled his eyes, he walked off, 

you see the funny thing about being tied up, it's not something I'm not used to, I've been working on the knot, 

They used the typical double knot, men, I thought 

I finally get the knot, and as Merle isn't looking I pull the rope off, I grab my stuff and sprint out of there, 

Third times the charm right, I thought 

I thought I got away until I'm tackled to the ground, I try to push whoever tackled me to the ground only to be slung over their shoulder, 

"You know this is gettin old," I heard Daryl say 

"Yer tellin me," I said 

then I am sat on a log next to Merle, and Daryl sat on the other side of me, 

"Eat," Daryl said giving me a bowl, 

I looked down at the food, 

"It's not poisoned," Daryl said eating his own, 

So I decided to eat it, all I've had was a squirrel and that was yesterday morning, 

Well it is obvious I'm not getting out of here, so what the hell am I gonna do? I thought 

I see both Daryl and Merle looking at me, 

"What you two gawking at?" I asked 

"Where are your parents?" Merle asked 

I stiffened and a shiver ran down my spine, 

"Dead, chewed on by walkers,"I said 

"Sorry to hear that," Daryl said 

I didn't respond, I kinda lost my appetite now mentioning of those ass holes, I thought 

"Not hungry?" Merle said 

I just shrugged I stood up, 

Both of them looked at me suspiciously, 

"Relax I realized im not going anywhere thanks to you two, even if I did you would find me anyway," I said annoyed 

They both smirked, 

I walked to Amy giving her my Bowl, 

"Here, you can have mine," I said 

"Thank you," She smiled 

I nodded, 

Later I was sitting under  a tree sharpening my arrow's 

I see Daryl approach me, he sits next to me, 

"You always like this?" He asked 

"Like what?" I asked 

"Angry, distant, must I say more," He said 

I just shrugged, 

"Do you always kidnap teenagers against their will?" I asked 

He smirked 

After our talk it was me, Daryl and Merle around the fire of their camp, it was quiet, it was just starting to get dark

"Hayden," I said 

"What?" Merle said 

"My name, is Hayden," I said 

"Isn't that a boy's name?" Daryl said 

"What can I say, my parents wanted a boy they got me instead," I said dully 

they looked at each other then at me, 

"Well thanks for telling us your name finally sweetheart," Daryl said 

I nodded 

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