Ch. 3 "Merle"

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                                         Hayden POV 

I glared at the man, then I heard walking and see a taller man, 

"Ah so you found the footprints covering the tracks Daryl," The man said 

"No shit Merle" Daryl said 

I glared at both of them, I pulled my wrist from Daryl's grip and grabbed my bow putting it on me like a sash and started walking away again, 

"Hey were not done," Daryl said 

"I think we are," I said walking away, 

"Look kid you need that checked out," Daryl said 

"Look I appreciate what you did, but leave me the hell alone," I said walking 

"Well isn't she just a ball of sunshine," Merle said 

I just rolled my eyes, trust no one, that is how I've survived my parents, that's how I've survived this, 

"Well can't say I didn't try the easy way," Daryl said 

Next thing I know I'm slung over his shoulder, 

"Hey! You put me the hell down!" I said banging my fists on his back 

"I don't think so sweetheart," Daryl said 

"Kids got a temper," Merle said after walking a while we come to a camp he sets me down, 

I glared up at him and pointed at him, 

"Don't you ever do that again or next time you will regret it," I said 

"Sure kid," Merle said 

"Who is this?" a man with dark hair and dark eye said 

"You know we never got your name?" Merle said 

I crossed my arms 

"And your never going to," I said 

The men chuckled, 

"She needs a wound looked at," Daryl said 

"No I don't," I said 

Merle went to grab my arm, 

"Touch me and your dead," I said glaring at him, 

"Oh great a kid with a temper," The man said 

I smirked 

"Kick me out why don't you," I said 

Merle was taking a sip of a drink and nearly choked 

An older man came walking up to us, 

"Now who needs Medical attention?" The older man said 

"No one," I said 

"Her," Daryl said 

Daryl grabbed one arm while Merle grabbed the other, taking me in a RV, Sitting me in a chair, 

"For this cut I'm gonna need you to lay down," The man said 

"Pass," I said about to walk out, But Merle and Daryl made me lay down, 

"This might hurt," The man said 

But as he cleaned it I didn't flinch at the pain, I needed to not show any signs of pain, being scared, flinching, as much as I want to I just can't, if I do they'll know my weak points 

"There all done," The man said 

"Oh by the way my name is Dal," He said 

I nodded walking out,

I got introduced to everyone, but I didn't give my name, no way am I gonna do that, I did try to leave but the two knuckle heads wouldn't let me leave, so I'm waiting until they all go to sleep, that is my only chance to get out of this situation, 

I went into Amy's and Andrea's tent because that's what everyone decided I would sleep, not like I had much of a say in it, 

I listened, and listened and i didn't hear anything, 

I slowly unzipped the tent, I tip toed through the camp grabbing my gear, I was just about out of the camp, 

"Going somewhere?" I heard Daryl's voice 

My back to him I scrunched my face

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