Ch. 2 "Stranger"

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                                   Hayden POV 

I gasp awake, My old life plaguing my dreams, the nightmare I was always living, being my parents personal punching bag, I thought, 

I wipe the sweat from my forehead, 

I climb down the tree, my boots sink in the mud, I make sure there is nothing around and get started on tracking, 

I brush some of the leaves off the ground, seeing the tracks, I look up and see some bush branches broken, seeing which way it went, 

I continue to track until I hear the familiar sound of growling and grunting, I load my bow with an arrow, and pull back ready to fire I see four of them, I fire at one, hitting it right between the eyes, it dies instantly, 

I reload, as they start charging towards me, I hit the other in the middle of the forehead, I was now running backwards, I reload, 

the next one I hit right in the eye, and it falls to the ground dead, as I was jogging backwards, I tripped over a root, the walker was charging, I sit up I was about to fire, when an arrow, hit the walker right in the forehead, 

I looked around but didn't see anyone, I walked towards the walker with the arrow, the wings on the arrow were orange and yellow, definitely not mine, I thought pulling it out, 

Crossbow arrow, now the arrow's I use, plus mine are black and yellow, 

As my back was turned and I was examining the arrow I felt a hand on my shoulder, 

That quickly I spun around right hooking whoever dared to put their hands on me, I used my bow to knock whoever in the face causing them to fall flat on their back I straddled them using my hunting knife and had it against their throat, 

The man had blue eyes and sandy hair 

"You're a fiery little thing aren't ya," He said 

I glared at him, 

"Look I'm not here to hurt you," He said in a southern accent holding his hands up meaning peace, 

I continued to glare, but finally I got up and walked away taking my arrow's back 

"Let me see?" He said pointing at my cut shirt that had a now bloody cloth on the cut, 

I just ignored him, 

Then he grabbed my wrist, I flinched at first then, I went to punch him again, but he caught it, 

"Listen sweetheart, I'm only tryin to help ya, but if you don't cooperate I'm gonna have to get rough, with ya," He said 

I glared at him, 

"I don't need your help," I said with venom in my voice 

"She speaks," He said 

I pull my wrist away, I start to walk again continuing my tracking, but I still have this man following me, 

"Go away," I said 

"Not happenin," He said 

I pushed him to a tree, and even though I'm fairly short, I had my knife at his throat, as I was on my toes and arm above my head holding it there steadily as I looked up at him, 

"Listen and listen well, I don't need you following me, I don't need your help or anyone for that matter," I said 

I guess I wasn't paying much attention because that quickly he hooked his foot behind mine making me trip and fall on the ground on my back, he took my knife, 

"Sorry Sweetheart, I did warn you now hold damn still," He said

I was so taken back that I just obeyed, what the hell just happened? I thought  

He lifted my shirt just where the cut was, pulling the material away, he was examining my cut as he still sat on my legs making sure I couldn't move, 

"It's not deep, but it is gonna need attention," He said 

"I could have told you that," I said 

He got up, 

"I'll take you to my group," He said 

I got up, 

"Pass," I said about to walk away, 

He grabbed my wrist, 

"I wasn't askin," He said 

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