Ch. 7 "Talking and Tracking"

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                                                     Hayden POV 

"Where did ya learn how to shoot like that?" Daryl asked 

"It's not important," I said grabbing the rabbit and pulling out the arrow, 

Then I felt him grab my arm, and I flinched, and yanked my arm out of his grip, 

He looked at me suspiciously since I flinched, 

"I'm fine you just took me by surprise," I mumbled 

"How about we both go hunting, were running out of food at camp, and you seem you know the works of it," Daryl said 

I looked at him, 

"Sure why not," I said 

Daryl walked away I put my arrow back in my quiver and followed after him, 

The walk was quiet, 

"How about we play a game while we hunt," Daryl said 

"If you say eye spy I'm gonna shoot you myself," I said 

He chuckled 

"No, how about I ask you a question and you answer then you get to ask me a question," He said  

"Why would we do that?" I asked 

"So I can know more about ye," He said 

"Again why would you do that?" I asked 

"Just play the damn stupid game," He grumbled 

"Tsk, fine," I mumbled 

"How old are you?" He asked 

"Thirteen," I said 

"You have any kids?" I asked as I looked down at the ground seeing the deer tracks, 

"No," He said and seen what I was looking at, 

"Looks like deer, hopefully a big one," He said 

I nodded, 

"And hopefully not chewed on by a walker by the time we find it," I said 

He nodded 

"How long have you been on yer own?" He asked 

I didn't answer, should I tell him, 

He sighed 

"You know Hayden not everyone is out to get ya," He said 

"Try saying that with a straight face," I said 

He grabbed my arm, 

"Hey look at me, nothin is gonna happen to ya alright," He said 

"I know," I said as I continued to walk

"Hey, would you stop for a minute!" He said 

I rolled my eyes, 

"What?" I said 

"I know you've been on your own for who knows how long since you won't tell us nothin," He said 

"But you don't have to keep being so guarded, were here to help, Me, Merle even the rest of the bunch," He said 

"Okay," I said starting to walk away, 

"Would you stop being so damn hard headed and listen to me for a minute," He said 

"I am, I just am having a hard time why you people would bother with me, I do better on my own anyway," I said 

"Sorry sweetheart yer stuck with us," He said 

"Yes, I'm slowly coming to terms with that," I mumbled 

He chuckled 

"Just do me a favor and open up a little bit for us darling," He said 

I nodded 

"No promises, but I'll try," I mumbled 

"That's all I ask," He said 

What the hell is happening to me? I thought shaking my head as we continued tracking the deer,

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