Ch. 8 "missing Merle"

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                                              Hayden POV 

I have to say Daryl has been a bit more pleasant since I relaxed a little and I'm not so hostile I am still guarded, but I feel like I can put those walls down around him, for some odd reason i feel like he understands, 

I walk out of the bushes and see the group pointing their weapons at me, I look down at the deer, 

"Oh, Jesus, Hayden I almost shot you," Shane said 

I just shrugged 

"Damn it," I said looking at it, 

Daryl follows behind me, 

"Son of a bitch, that's our deer! look at it all gnawed on by this.." Daryl said he kicked it, 

"Filthy disease-bearing motherless poxy bastard!" Daryl said 

"Couldn't have said it better myself," I said 

"Calm down son that's not helping," Dale said 

Daryl walks to Dale angry, 

"What do you know about it old man? why don't you take that stupid hat and go back to on golden pond," Daryl said 

Daryl sighs, 

"We've been tracking this deer for miles," Daryl said 

I pull my arrow out of the Deer, 

"Gonna drag it back to camp, cook us up some venison, what do you think? do you think we can cut around this chewed up part right here?" Daryl said 

"I wouldn't risk it," Shane said 

"High that's a damn shame we got some squirrel about a dozen or so that'll have to do," Daryl said 

I see the head of a walker rolling around and snapping, 

"Oh god," Amy said 

Her and Andrea leave 

"Come on people what the hell," Daryl said 

He shoots the head with an arrow through the eye he puts his foot on the head and pulls the arrow out, 

"It's gotta be the brain, don't y'all know nothin?" Daryl said 

"Come on Hayden," Daryl said 

I nodded following him back to camp, while the other's were behind us, 

"Merle! Merle! get your ugly ass out here! we got us some squirrel! you were right, Hayden has a killer shot! we need to stew 'em up," Daryl said 

I looked around not seeing Merle anywhere, 

"Daryl, Just slow up a bit, I need to talk to you," Shane said 

"About what?" Daryl said 

The look on the new guys face and Shane's face I know it's something that is going to piss me off, and probably Daryl too and you don't want to see me pissed off, I thought 

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