Chapter Two (Edited)

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What am I?

These thoughts often ran through my mind while I try to sleep. My mind has been know to have the perfect timing with thoughts that don't help me in any way.

Honestly though, can I even call myself human? I kill people for money but why am I asked to kill these people? What have they done? If anyone should be killed it should be me.

I have to stop. I cannot afford to let these thoughts roam freely in my mind.

I stretched and got out of my plane seat. I walked over to a bag of my luggage and opened it. I took out a piece of paper and a box of colored pencils. I walked back over to a seat with a table in front of it and placed the items on it. I began to draw.

Shut up. Killers can have fun if they want to.


"Agent Silent." My name was called out into the plane from the speakers. I opened my eyes. All of my things were put away but my half finished drawing still remained. I looked around and then called out, "Yeah?" There was a quick pause before the voice replied. "We are landing soon."

"Copy that." I replied and buckled my seat belt. I hated planes so much. I decided to look out the window and my stomach dropped. How high were we?! I closed my eyes and told myself to stop panicking. Suddenly, every plane crash movie I've ever seen flashed in my mind. I took a deep breath and forced myself to look out the window again. Face your fears..

I mean, what fears? Ha.. I'm fearless.

I smiled at the view as we began our decent. I would probably never see London from this high up again. The blue sky looked amazing as we passed through the clouds. I'm actually glad I looked out again.

The plane touched the ground. I sighed. I was safe again. I never realized how much I loved being on the ground until that very moment. The voice called out into the plane again telling me it was okay to get up and walk around.

Flying over oceans.. Wow, right?

Someone appeared at the door of the plane after it landed. There were people rushing in and out as I calmly made sure I had everything that was packed up in my bags. "Agent Silent." A male voice said behind me. I turned and saw a man in a black suit and black sun glasses. "Yes?" I asked him and fully turned towards him. "I'm here to escort you to headquarters." He then stood still and stared at me, waiting for me to start walking out. "Alright." I replied and started walking.

The man stood by my side as we walked to the limo that awaited me. "Fancy." I mumbled and Mr. Suit And Tie opened the door for me. I nodded at him and got in. He got in behind me and sat next to the door. He told the driver we were ready and we were off.

Suit started talking to me. "Agent Silent, I'm Agent Blue. I work for Agent Andrew Hunter, Mr. Boss' brother." I nodded. Did everyone call him Mr. Boss?

We spoke about the company and I told him about how my money was here in London. He laughed. "Mr. Boss always does things like that."

Finally we arrived at the headquarters. I was lead to my room and allowed to get comfortable before reporting to Andrew's office for my mission. But I couldn't wait. I went there right after putting my things away. I knocked on the door and held my breath.

"Come in." A voice said through the door. I was relieved that he wasn't anything like Mr. Boss.


I opened the door and he stood at his desk, counting money. And damn. How much did this guy work out? He was cute. I bet he had a six pack.

I hope he had the accent.

He looked up and smiled a $100 smile. How did his teeth since like that? I swear I saw a sparkle. "Agent Ashley Silent. It's nice to finally meet you."

Yep, he has the accent.

He walked around his desk and over to me. I cringed when he said my first name. I was used to just being called Agent Silent. But I couldn't complain. He was pretty hot.

If someone told me before that this man was related to Mr. Boss, I probably would have punched them in their face. Twice.

"Agent Jason Blue told you who I am, correct?" He asked and placed his hands on my shoulders and looked me in the eyes. His eyes seemed to glow a deep and piercing blue. "Uh y-yes, sir. He did." I hesitated as I spoke.

Get a hold of yourself, Silent. I heard Agents that date their bosses get extra cash. Plus, he's hot as my dream boyfriend. And he has an ascent.

He laughed and smiled. His teeth were perfectly white and straight. Looking at his teeth made me feel insecure about mine. Mine were a little yellow and overlapping. I wish I got those braces I was offered when I was twelve.

"Since your my agent now," he released my shoulders and walked back to his desk and pulled something up on his computer. I took a deep breath. Who would top if we- okay, I have a problem.

"I can assign you to kill anyone I want for any price. Oh! Your last reward for killing the criminal Tom Snake is quarter of a million US dollars." He paused and searched through his notes. I'm finally going to get my money. Yes! "But since you'll live in the UK for now on, I transferred it from US dollars to UK currency. $250,000 has turned into..." He flipped a paper over and I stared at him, waiting for him to continue. He then said some long and complicated number I didn't care about.

And finally, it was my money.

"Alright then. What's my next mission? Do you have something for me, sir?" I asked and took a step into the room. "Well, first off, don't call me 'sir,' Andrew is fine." Andrew sat down. "Anyway, I have some stuff against the guy. We knew each other a long while ago..."

Mr. Boss never gave me reasons. He would just tell me to go out and kill the person, so this was new for me.

"I've spoken to many people about it and they have their own reasons. So... are you ready for your mission?" He smiled and I zoned out for a second. I snapped back into reality and smirked back at him and I nodded. "Yes, s- Andrew."

He took a deep breath. "There are many people that are paying me for killing him, so I added up all of their payments and I'll be giving you most of the money." He added. "They'll all be giving us - in total - £5,000,000. Which is $7,681,000, in US money."

My jaw dropped. How much? Did this guy murder 374 people or something?

"Is that okay?" Andrew asked. I laughed. "Yes! That's... so much!" I was shocked. This was important. I had to do this no matter what. "Now..." Andrew continued. He smiled and took a deep breath. He looked up from his papers and stared over at me. I still stood, completely shocked.

"Your mission is to kill Daniel James Howell, but also to remain anonymous to the public, and to his friends."

And that one sentence changed my entire life.


Mission Anonymous - Danisnotonfire (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now