Chapter Seven

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Dan eventually woke up and we hung out for a while. I was always looking at the windows and making sure the door was locked. I even had Savannah make sure the cameras weren't hacked. I was taking every precaution I could think of without making it too obvious to Dan. But I still felt like I wasn't doing enough. I knew Dan and I were in danger until Savannah could locate the hacker and tack it down.

Then I got another text.

//He's very cute when he's staring at you...//
-Blocked Number just now

I looked up and saw Dan staring straight at me. He looked away and blushed. I giggled. I tried to sound embarrassed and happy but on the inside, I was freaking out. Whoever the hell this was knew, they knew what was happening. They could see us. But how?

I looked over at a hidden camera and pointed at my phone. I knew Savannah was watching. "I'm already on it Ash." She whispered into my ear, clearly focused on something else. I felt like we needed to leave the apartment. I felt like we were in danger here more then anywhere else.

Oh how I was wrong...

"Do you wanna go for a car ride?" I asked Dan. He looked over at me. I must have been staring off into space right before I asked because apparently he was talking about something else.

Oops, sorry Dan.

"Uh. Yeah, I guess. I mean we don't really have anything else to do." He replied and awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. I drove here in one of the company's cars and that's what I was going to use to drive us around. We just needed to get out of the house.

Dan and I walked out and down the stairs and out the door. I got in the driver's seat and Dan got in the passenger. I started the car.

Suddenly and without warning, Savannah yelled in my ear. "YOU IDIOT! When you're being stalked and threatened, YOU DONT FUCKING GO OUTSIDE!" I could tell she was angry at my actions. She sighed. "Well now that you're in the car you might as well. Just watch behind you."

I realized my mistake. I just put us both in more danger by trying to get us out of some. How much of an idiot was I?

I bit my lip and mentally face palmed. I was too busy trying to keep Dan safe to really think about what I was doing. I started the car and drove out of the driveway I had parked in. Dan sighed. "JJ, I really need to talk to you. I couldn't sleep last night because of it."

I suddenly received a wave of worry. What did he have to say to me that cause him to get no sleep?

Savannah groaned. "Just ignore him and act surprised or something. You need to pay attention to your surroundings you idiot." I knew she was just angry but that hit me harder then it should have.

"Oh really?" I looked over at him and I realized that he had red puffy eyes and bags from lack of sleep. I suddenly got super sad but there were cameras in the car so I made sure it didn't show. I knew Savannah was watching.

"Yeah." Dan sighed. "Listen Jaden. Ever since you started crying last night, I realized something: I care a lot about you."

My heart dropped, my face fell, my breathing seemed to stop. He said that thing that makes you blush. "D-D-Dan. N-no-" I stuttered and stopped myself. "Just listen Jaden, this may make it awkward between us but I don't care; I have a huge crush on you." He awkwardly said and looked away. I wanted to smile and cry at the same time. But he shouldn't have said that. I felt myself fall deeper in love with him.

Then I noticed something.

There were three black cars following behind us. Savannah must have seen them as well. "Ash. You have company. Watch them."

I glanced over at Dan. He didn't seem to notice the two cars. He was blushing. I was too focused on the road ahead of us - and behind us. "Oh Dan." I acted like I was amazed but I honestly wish he never started talking in the car. "I'm not going to treat you differently because of this."

I'm still going to kill you. Literally.

He looked over at me and smiled. I was looking at the road with a huge smile on as well. Of course it was fake. It was all just an act.

I looked in the mirrors and turned my attention back to the cars behind us. They were closing in on us. The vehicles slowly inched towards us. Then they rolled down their windows. "Shit." I mumbled.

"Hold on." I ordered Dan. "What do you mean?" He asked, clearly confused. He didn't understand. "Ashley, the cars have guns!" Savannah yelled and started pressing buttons behind the microphone.

"Dan that's not what I meant! Hold on to the car and get down!" I yelled at him and switched gears on the car. He panicked - still confused - and grabbed the door just as the glass behind us broke. I made a sharp left turn and the cars followed us, still shooting.

The other cars around us moved to the sides and some cars nearly crashed. The black cars were not giving up, but Dan was mine.

"Stay down!" I yelled at Dan. He listened to me and stayed down and quiet. I'm sure he would ask me questions afterwards but I wasn't sure if I'd answer them.

We sped past cars and buildings with the cars closing in on us. If only Kira were here... She could drive for us. She was the best driver and it was at these times that I wished she still was my partner, even though she was annoying.

I made another sharp right turn as a few more booms from the guns exploded into the air. How was I supposed to lose them? "I got this." Savannah said into my ear. I looked back at the cars and waited for something to happen, but they just got closer. If Dan wasn't here I would be yelling at Savannah.

"On the count of three, I want you to drift to a stop." She ordered with confidence. What was she thinking?! The cars will crash into me! She has to have some sort of plan..

"One.." she started counting. I felt my heart start beating faster and faster and I watched the cars behind us. "Two.." The three cars were still closing in on us. I put my hand on the gear and got ready. I took one last look behind me and took a deep breath. "Three!" I did as she told me and drifted to a stop. One of the cars drove off to the side and crashed into the other two, causing them all to crash on the side of the road and into a building.

Did she just hack into the car and cause it to crash..?

"You have to get Dan back to his flat before anything else happens." Savannah said with slight disappointment and anger in her voice.


Oops I don't write action so sorry that this isn't the best

I hope you guys don't mind but this is the part when the story picks up and there will be more gunshots and action and things from now on.. So enjoy!

Also! My Wattpad friend TheMeganHowell is having some trouble winning a contest on ThePhanAwards and I would love each and every one of you if you voted for her on Unique Ideas! Okay thank you <3 I really want her book Mission: Internet Star to win since it's where I got the idea for this story from!


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