Chapter Nine

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A/N: The picture for the chapter is Ash's outfit.


I arrived at the place that Dan had told me to go. He was waiting at the front. As I approached him, he smiled at me and led me inside. He changed it to a lunch date at the last second. I was happier with lunch anyway. It was a beautiful cafe. The smell of coffee and bread lingered in the air. The place was also half of a deli. I felt happy here.

We approached the counter and the man said hello to Dan. I'm guessing they knew each other..

"Oh I haven't seen you in forever! Who's your friend?" The man asked kindly. I smiled at him. I was about to introduce myself when Dan did it for me. "This is JJ, or Jaden June Alex. She's a good friend of mine." He poked my side and I smiled even wider. I held in my laughter as I shot a playful glare at him. He smiled and his dimples showed. I felt my heart melt.

"Oh well then, hello JJ! What would you two like to eat today?" He asked. I half expected him to introduce himself but he uh... didn't..

I told Dan what I wanted and he ordered for both of us. We spoke about random things as we sat down at a table. I would laugh and he would smirk and he would talk and I would listen. For a few minutes, I had forgotten I was an agent sent to kill this man.

Our food arrived and we both ate our sandwiches. Then I noticed something. I looked around and searched for what I had heard. They were voices...

"She's gotten farther than any of us could ever." A female voiced hissed.
"It's unfair! The 5 million should be ours!" Another male voice became angry.
"Shut up you two. Lets just get out of here and call the rest of the agents and tell them we're ready." An older, male voice hushed them both.
"Are you sure you want to go through with this? You might hurt innocent people." The female voice suddenly became worried.
"Yes I'm sure. We have to kill Ashley Silent and Daniel Howell. We have to do anything we can today before she gets any farther. Now come on, let's get out of here." The older man answered.

I frantically started looking around. "I heard it too." Savannah whispered to me from the ear piece that I had covered with my hair. "I'm hacking into phones around the place and listening. Also, you can't go outside. It'll be too dangerous to try and escape. Just stay put."

I felt unsafe. I couldn't eat. Were we going to die today? If we both die then we failed our mission. I failed our mission. That can't happen. Please?

I put my sandwich down and looked over at Dan. He smiled at me. "Are you okay?" He asked. I stopped myself before I shook my head and just nodded. He stared at me for a second, searching through my eyes. He broke eye contact and looked away, mumbling something to himself. He then stood up. "JJ, come on." He leaned over and grabbed my hand and pulled me up. I followed his gaze and saw at least 10 people in black and white suits pointing guns at the store.

Then the glass broke.

The whole cafe was panicking and screaming. Some people fell to the floor as others desperately ran for their lives. The people were shooting at everyone, just like the voices had said.

Dan started dragging me away. We ran around people - almost getting knocked over twice - just trying to get away. We were just about to go around the corner when suddenly, there was a sharp pain in my arm. I yelped and Dan turned to me. Before he could do anything, I started to drag him through the kitchen of the cafe. I grabbed a knife for protection and paper towels for the bullet hole and pulled us both under a table.

Then everything went silent.

The gunshots had stopped. I held the knife in my hand tightly as Dan attempted to wrap up my arm as much as he could. The bullet went through my entire arm and left a hole. What kind of guns did they have?!

I tried to silence my breathing by holding my breath and grinding my teeth together. I wanted to just groan out and release all the pain but I had to stay quiet.

"Where are they?"
"Where did they go?"
"Look at how many people we killed..."
"Do you think one of these guys are one of them?"
"Have you checked in here?"
"What now?"
"What about the kitchen?"

Voices fought back and forth until one spoke out and silenced the rest. We could hear the glass crunching beneath their feet as they made their way towards our hideout. All the pain in my body seemed to disappear and all that was left was fear. Dan stopped moving completely and neither of us were breathing.

Then the door squeaked and slowly opened.

The kitchen door...


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