Chapter Eight

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"What the hell was that?!" Dan paced back and forth in the living room as I sat on the couch and listened to him speak. "Was that planned? We could have died! Jaden, answer me! Please." He yelled and looked over at me. I was looking down and I was very reluctant to answer. I felt my eyes start to water. How could Dan make me cry so much? No one has ever been able to make me cry as much as he has. But I've only cried twice so far..

I sighed. Ever since Savannah told me to get back to the flat, she hasn't spoken to me. I could tell that she was very angry at me.

"Dan, I'm sorry. All I can do right now is apologize." I couldn't look up at him. I just couldn't. I could feel him looking over at me. I felt like a child being punished by their mother.

"What? Why?" He asked, more concerned and careful then before. I just shook my head. I would have came up with something... but I couldn't. "It... that's it. That's all I can do..."

He sighed and continued to look down at me. "I'm sorry JJ. I- I didn't mean to yell. I just-" he stopped himself and sat down next to me. "Can I take you out to dinner some time? I have to show you I'm sorry somehow..."

I smirked and then looked up at him. His eyes seemed to beg for forgiveness. I sighed. "You don't have to do that. I forgive you." I whispered to him. He smiled. "Good, but no matter what, I'm still taking you out to dinner. What about tomorrow?" He asked. I really didn't want this. Him caring for me was making me fall for him more but what could I do? Say no? I needed to get him to trust me. I sighed.

"Okay Daniel. You can take me out tomorrow." I reluctantly gave into him. I felt my heart melt as his chocolate eyes lit up with excitment. It was so cliché to feel this way but I didn't care. At the moment, he was all I cared about.

God, so cliché. I really wasn't even trying to stop myself anymore, was I?


I sighed and got out of bed. Today was the day I knew I would fall in love with Dan. I knew that and there was no going back now. I stepped out of my room and down the hall past all the rest of the agents' rooms. I was going to the showers. I had brought clothes with me so I could change.

I stepped into the shower room and walked into a smaller room. There was a shower in the corner and a giant mirror with a sink near by. I placed my clothes on the counter and started the shower. As I stared into the mirror at myself, Dan drifted into my mind. I sighed.

I stripped down and stepped into the shower. The fog clouded the room and I took a deep breath. It was a little difficult to breathe. I poured the shampoo into my hair and slowly stepped back into the water.

As I rinsed out the shampoo, an idea crossed my mind. I quickly finished my shower and got dressed in a white top and skinny jeans and dried my hair. Then I raced to Savannah's room.

I stopped at her door and knocked. "Savannah? Savannah! Wilkie, I need to talk to you."

After a few seconds she came to the door. She looked upset. "What Ashley?!" She snapped. My mind went blank. What was I going to say? She sighed. "What do you want? I'm trying to track those cars and it's just upsetting."

I guess that makes me feel a little better..

"Can I come in?" I asked and bit my lip for a second. She gave a little smile and nodded. Savannah stepped out of the way and let me in.

I stopped only after a single step in.

She closed the door behind me and I stared at her room. Clothes and food everywhere, the bed was barely made, all of her computers and laptops were on... this wasn't like her! She was usually neat and clean. The stench led me to believe her latest victim was killed and stored here. It was honestly disgusting.

"I thought my room was bad." I mumbled. She walked in behind me and playfully punched my arm. "Shut up." She smiled, cheering up a little.

I took a deep breath. "Okay Savannah. I had this idea while taking a shower and... Wait, are other agents allowed to help us in our missions?" I asked, looking for a way to word my idea. She nodded. "Of course. As long as Hunter gets some of the cash, he doesn't care what we do."

I smiled. Then this was going to work... hopefully.

"Well. I was thinking that agent Blue and Agent Rose could kidnap Dan and I could act like I was saving him and then at the last moment before we leave, I shoot him from behind and make his death look like an accident." I explained and then inhaled a large breath.

She thought for a moment. "Well... maybe. I really don't know if I trust other agents with our missions very much. Not like that at least..." Savannah paused. "It's almost as if we were putting the whole mission into their hands."

I looked at her in thought. "But you just now said that it was okay with you?" I took a step towards her computer chair and sat down. She smiled and shook her head. "No, I said that Andrew doesn't care what we do as long as he gets some cash, I never said I was okay with it."

I nodded. Maybe this will work...


I quit with the 1,000+ words per chapter. It's becoming really hard to update quickly so expect chapters to be a little shorter, but not too short. I hate really short chapters. I'll try for at least 500+ words.

K thanks for reading

Btw, 260 reads and 26 votes!!!??? Thanks so much!


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