I'm Sorry

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Miranda walked into the hospital with Tuck on her side.
"Morning, Dr. Bailey." One of her interns said.
"Morning. Don't be late for rounds."
She carried her son to daycare and then went to perform surgery with Dr. Webber.

"Clamp!" She said to her scrub nurse.
"Tuck is getting so big," Webber said, starting a conversation.
"Yeah," Miranda said nonchalantly.
"Miranda, are you okay?"
"Yep. Just a lot of personal things going on right now. But it won't affect my work."
"I know it won't. So, are you sad about Ben?"
"Excuse me?"
"Well, I thought you would be sad that he is... leaving."
"Leaving... w-what are you talking about?"
"He didn't tell you? He was accepted into UCLA."
Miranda's face dropped. She couldn't believe that he was moving to another state. Why didn't he tell her? They had talked about him wanting to be a surgeon, but she didn't know that he applied for a residency.
"I'm sorry. I thought that he would have told you because you're best friends."
"Me too."

After a long surgery, Miranda headed home to get ready for Tucker's parent's anniversary. She had finished getting Tuck ready.
"Go tell your daddy that we need to leave now or else we'll be late."
"Ugh... I'm tired of this." Tuck mumbled.
"What did you say?"
"You and daddy are always telling me to tell each other something."
"What do you mean?"
"You telling me to tell daddy to get ready, and daddy telling me to ask you to stay."
"When did your daddy ask you that?"
"Daddy said I could eat candy all night long if I asked you to stay."
"Oh, he did?" Miranda was furious, but she didn't want her son to see that. "I'll go tell your father. Go play with your toys while we talk."
Miranda stomped into their bedroom. Tucker was in the room holding two neck-ties.
"Which one? The blue? Or the black?"
"What did you tell Tuck the night I moved back in?"
"Nothing, baby. Come on, let's go." He tried to avoid the conversation and walked out of the room. Miranda gently pushed him back inside.
"You used our child to manipulate me?"
"It's not like that!"
"Well, it looks like you used our child to get back at me!"
"Miranda, can we talk about this later?" He picked up some cologne and sprayed it on himself.
That PISSED Miranda off. She slapped the cologne bottle out of his hand,  making the glass break and all of the liquid spilled out onto the carpet.
"What the hell did you do that for, Miranda?"
"Do you think I'm stupid?"
As they were arguing, Tucker's cellphone went off, and Miranda looked at it on the bed.
"Who the hell is texting you so much?"
"That's my mom trying to see how far we are."
"Let me see."
"No. I just told you that was my mom."
"That's some bullshit. Your mom doesn't know how to text."
"I taught her."
"Pass the phone Tucker, or else I leave and never come back."
Tucker hesitated for a minute, but Miranda couldn't wait. She grabbed the phone and quickly opened it to his messages. She opened the most recent one with two photos of a woman wearing a bikini and another where she's completely naked.
"You're still talking to her? And yet you tried to get back with me?"
"Don't say my name!" She cut him off. "I'm done. It's over. You're not going to have me looking stupid."
"Please!" He begged.
"Did you think you could've got away with this? Again?"
"No! I was trying to cut her off, but..."
"But nothing... I'm done! I'm leaving! I'm leaving Tuck with you for tonight, but we need to talk about co-parenting plans."
She went into the closet to get her purse.
"Where do you think you're going?"
"To my man!"
Miranda left Tucker in shock.

Miranda jumped into her car and drove off. She finally felt free. It was bittersweet though because she hated to see nine years of marriage go into the trash. But she was still glad that she was out of a marriage filled with lies.

Tears were flowing like rain outside. The thought of Ben leaving before she could tell him sorry was devastating. She wanted to spend the rest of her life with him. 

Miranda arrived at Ben's house. She ran through the rain to his door and knocked. Ben didn't answer the first time. He didn't want to either.
Ben wanted to ignore her. He just wanted to leave and never turn back. But something just wouldn't let him. He got up and opened the door to see the most beautiful person he's ever seen. Her hair was dripping wet, along with the rest of her. 
"Ben, I'm sorry. I messed up. I was stupid."
"I was terrible to you because I was scared. I was scared of a good man like you. But, I'm not anymore."
"I want you, Ben. I need you, Ben. I don't care how far you go. I will always want to be with you."
"Miranda please."
"I love you, Benjamin Warren."
Ben pulled Miranda's face towards him, kissing her deeply, making her mind go blank.

"Now, can you please shut up?"
Miranda nodded.
"Miranda, I love you."
She smiled.
"But you broke my heart. You're the only woman who's ever done that. I can't go through that again. Maybe you could, but I won't. So, if you want to be with me, you can't just come and go any time you want. I'm not a booty call you call whenever Tuck breaks your heart."
"You're not. I'm leaving him."
"Okay. Another thing. I'm going to be a surgical resident. I'll be working 90 hours a week. Do you promise to not leave me even though I'll be far away?"
"I do."
Ben smiled and pulled her inside the house.
"Ugh. I have to get out of this wet dress."
"I'm way ahead of you." He began to unzip her dress. They both laughed and began to make up the best way they knew how.


"Mom, can you please tell B.J. to leave me alone?"
Miranda loved her children, but sometimes they got on her last nerve.
"B.J., stop messing with Danielle."
"Brandon, Brandon, Brandon!" B.J. continued to tease her.
"Who is Brandon?" Miranda asked, wanting to know.
"Her best friend who she's in love with." Benjamin Jr. told his mother.
"UGH! I hate you!" Danielle expressed.
"Hey! We don't hate anyone in this car. Benjamin Warren Junior, leave your sister alone."
The two teens sat quietly in the backseat until they arrived home.
B.J. jumped out of the car, while Miranda told Dani to stay behind.
"Mom, I didn't mean to tell B.J. that I hate him."
"I know. But when you get inside, you tell him you love him. Now, tell me about Brandon."
"He's my best friend."
"That you like?"
"A little." She pushed up her glasses.
"What do you like about him?"
"He's the smartest in his class. He's the captain of the swim team. And he's sooooo handsome.
"It sounds like you like him a lot."
She blushed.
"I wanna go out with him, but I don't want to ruin our friendship."
Miranda smiled recognizing the same feeling.
"Did you know that me and your father were best friends before we got together?"
"When did you know that you wanted to be more than friends."
"Um," Miranda thought. "Maybe it was after our first kiss and I was caught."
"Aw. Brandon asked me if I wanted to go to the movies with him sometime. But I don't know what to say."
"Well first, me and your dad are going to have to meet him and his parents before you are allowed to go anywhere. And I believe you should just tell him how you feel."
"Okay. Thanks, mom!" She kissed her mom on the cheek before jumping out of the car.
Miranda took her own time walking inside of her house. She was met by her husband and children playing a game she didn't recognize.
"Ben!" She shouted at him, making him take off the V.R. set and running towards her.
"Tell me you didn't buy them another game."
"I didn't buy them another game."
"Don't play with me."
"I had to buy it."
"You didn't HAVE to buy anything."
"Miranda, we have great kids. And they deserve great stuff."
Miranda rolled her eyes.
"And your one to talk. You just bought Tuck, a working college student, a new math book."
"He needed it."
"Okay," Ben said sarcastically.
Ben walked behind Miranda and grabbed her ass.
"Hey, hey, hey. No touchy."
"Whyyy?" He whined.
"Because when you touch this," she pointed at her ass. "we get those." She pointed at the two kids on the couch and the baby in her belly.
"Well, when we were making them, you sure didn't have a problem."
Miranda playfully hit him on the chest.
Ben began to rub her baby bump.
"This is the last one, right?"
"The last one?"
"I love you Benjamin Warren."
"I love you Miranda Warren."
And they deeply kissed.


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