The Cheater

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Miranda was in the attending's lounge pouring a fresh pot of coffee in her mug and Benjamin walked in.
"Good morning Mr. Warren".
"How was your night with Angela".
"Oh, good Angela never disappoints" they both laughed.
"Hey, Benjamin I have a favor to ask you".
"What's up".
"Well you know Tuck is turning 3 next week and he told me and his father that all he wants is a 'big boy bed' ," she said in air quotes.
"Oh you want me to give you the 'Tuck is growing up and you can't change that' talk".
"No I accepted that he is growing up I just want you to come with me to go pick out a bed for him".
"Of course I have to be there so you just don't buy a regular old bed".
"Anyway" she rolled her eyes".
"I'll be out of surgery around 2 o'clock" Ben stated.
"So come looking for me around 2:30," Miranda told him.
"OK see you then".
Ben turned around and walked out the door. Miranda caught herself looking at his butt and quickly snapped out and sipped her coffee.

Ben walked into the locker room doorway the same time Miranda was pulling her shirt down catching a peek of her black and purple lace bra. She doesn't know how many times he found himself fantasizing about Miranda taking off her shirt straddling him and giving him the ride of his life. Ben snapped out of his dirty thoughts and slowly walked into the locker room.
"Miranda I hope you're ready because if I don't get a burger in my stomach I might just hurt someone".
" OK, we will stop at Burger king after we get my baby's bed".
"Alright let's go".

Then Miranda went to the mattress firm in Ben's car. They went into the store and an employee approached them.
"Welcome to Mattress Firm," The employee said. "Do you need any help"?
"Yes" Miranda said "My son is turning 3 and all he wants for his birthday is a big boy bed" she said using air quotes again.
"Is he interesting in anything like sports or gaming things like that".
"He doesn't have much interest because he's only 3"
"Well just look in that section I'll be right over here call me if you need any help".
"Thank you" Ben said to the employees and pulled Miranda to the section she was sending them.
"That was very mean woman".
"She is the one who ask the stupid question".
Miranda and Ben proceeds to walk towards the section the lady directed them to.
"Look at this Miranda" Ben pointed to a bedframe with colorful dinosaurs on it.
"yes he would love this".
"All you have to do is buy some dino sheets".
"Thank you so much he's going to adore this".
"No problem Tuck is my boy I'll do anything for him".
"He loves you too, let me just cash out and we can go get your burger".
"YAYY" Ben squealed like a little kid.
Miranda bought the bed and they drove to Burger King.
Ben drove to Miranda's house because she bought food for Tuck and Tucker too.
When they got in the driveway they hopped out of the car then hold the carton of drinks while Miranda held two bags of food.
"I'm home," Miranda said walking through her front door  "We bought food Tucker" she spoke again putting the food on the table.
Still no response. Miranda began to go up and she heard something.
"You like that baby". She heard Tucker moan.
She continued to go up the steps.
" you feel so good".
At this time Miranda started to run up the stairs and their hallway.
Ben ran behind her realizing the sounds.
Miranda practically kicked open her bedroom door to find Tucker between a blonde woman's legs.
Miranda's heart rate increased, she suddenly found it hard to breathe.
She was literally boiling.
"What the FUCK are you doing"
Tucker and the woman jumped apart, she pulled the sheet up to her neck and he used a pillow to cover his waist.
"Miranda what are you doing home".
"Tucker who is this" the blonde woman said.
"I'm his wife you stupid bitch" Miranda rushed towards the woman in the bed but Ben who was behind caught her.
"Miranda baby she's not worth it" Ben said trying to calm her down.
Tears began to slide down Miranda's face.
"Tucker I can't believe you did this to me in our bed while our child is down the hall asleep".
"Miranda, please let's talk about this I'm sorry baby" he said walking slowly towards her.
"All I have to say to you is FUCK YOU TUCKER, AND DON'T COME FUCKING NEAR ME". Tucker stood still in shock. He had never heard Miranda talk like that, especially to him.
"And as for you homewrecker, " she pointed at the woman in the bed. "If you want him you can have him because as soon as I talk to my lawyer IM DIVORCING HIS ASS".
Miranda walked out of the room, down the hall, and into their son's room. He was still sound asleep.
Miranda quietly packed a little bag for him and picked him up.
Miranda went downstairs meeting Ben at the door.
Miranda heard footsteps coming behind her "Miranda sttttooooppp please don't do this, please don't take my son".
"You should've thought of that before".
Ben took the bag out of Miranda's hand and both of them walked out of the door.

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