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“Sola we need to talk to you.” Cassey said. She was sitting at the kitchen table. Norris had gone somewhere else in the house, probably checking on some of the kids. His wife was still making dinner behind them. Sola walked over and sat down across the table from Cassey. “We have already found you a foster home. I think you’ll like it there a lot. But we are holding an investigation against your parents. This will take place while you are with your new family. So I am going to visit you at least once a week. I’ll be asking you questions and today before you leave we need to get some pictures of your burns and bruises. I know it’s hard for you but you’re helping yourself if you cooperate.” Cassey was trying to be as friendly as possible.

“Okay, what do you need to know?”  Sola just wanted to get this over with.

“Well actually I need you to sign this statement. It’s what you told me in the car. If you sign it you are verifying that this is what happened to you.” Cassey handed Sola a piece of paper and a pen. Sola picked up the pen and signed at the bottom of the page. Sola handed the paper and pen back and smiled. “Okay, now we have to go upstairs and take the pictures.” Cassey said as she stood up. Sola stood up too and followed Cassey up the steps. They went into another room upstairs and it had a blank wall on one side and a camera set up on the other.

“Go stand in front of the wall please.” Cassey said. “You’ll need to take your jacket off.” Sola did, and it exposed her arms. She was wearing a tank top and a pair of Cara’s jean shorts. All of her burns and bruises were showing. She stood in front of the wall and waited. The man at the other side of the room began snapping photos. Then he came up closer and got close ups of her arms and legs from all angles.

“Am I done?” Sola asked.

“Yep, you are all free to go. Your foster family should be here in an hour or so. You can put your jacket back on now.” Cassey said. They both walked down the stairs. Cassey walked back into the kitchen where Norris and his wife were sitting and talking. Ami was in the living room playing the piano that sat against one of the walls. Sola walked over and sat down on the small couch in the room and listened to her play. Sola looked out of a small window across the room. She got up and got closer. Could it be?

“Cassey? Is it okay if I go next door to the park?” Sola asked.

“Yeah I guess. It might start raining soon though, looks pretty cloudy out there.” Cassey replied.

“Okay I’ll be back soon.” Sola said and ran for the front door. She made her way to the park. She got closer and closer. The closer she got the more she knew it was him. Paris was sitting on one of the swings. He was looking at the ground. He looked upset. Like something was bothering him. Sola got to the start of the bike path which was about 10 feet from the swings.

“Paris?” Sola asked. Paris looked up. He looked shocked.

“Sola? What are you doing here?” He asked. He really hoped this was real and not his imagination.

“It’s kind of a long story. What about you?” Sola started walking towards the swings and sat down on the one next to him.

“I come here to think a lot I guess…” He said looking away from her. He didn’t want to look into her big green eyes and fall for her again. He just wanted to let go of her. It was already hard enough without seeing her. Sola looked at the ground. She swung back and forth for a moment.

“I’m sorry Paris.” She looked at him. He didn’t move.

“What for?” He asked still looking away.

“For not trusting you.” Paris looked up for a moment. He didn’t turn towards her but he wasn’t looking in the opposite direction. He looked at the ground in front of him. “You were the only one who cared enough about me to actually ask. I wasn’t used to it. I didn’t like telling people things. I barely talked to anyone. That night was something completely new to me. I pushed you away because I wasn’t ready to tell people what I was going through. I wasn’t ready to trust anyone.” Sola looked at him. She watched him take that in. He took a deep breath.

“Sola where were you on the 20th? Do you remember?” He asked.

“What am I being interrogated now?” Sola smiled.

“I’m serious Sola.” He said still looking at the ground. Tears built up in her eyes.

“You saw me. You know where I was.” She said with a slightly angry voice. A tear slid down her cheek.

“So it was you on the bridge.” Paris said. “Sola-”

“Look, its whatever. You had more important things to do.” She said turning away.

“No that’s not it at all Sola.” He turned towards her for the first time in the conversation. “Sola I thought I was just seeing you like I always do.” Paris said. Sola didn’t understand. “I see you everywhere I go Sola. I can’t get you out of my head. I stopped talking to you at school because I didn’t know which Sola was real and which was just my imagination. I passed by the bridge because I thought you wouldn’t do that. You were too strong to be up on the ledge of a bridge. I’m sorry I should’ve stopped. I should’ve been there for you like I said I wanted to be. I’m sorry.” A few droplets of rain started to fall from the sky. Sola looked up. She didn’t know what to say to him. The rain was slowly getting harder. Sola turned towards him with some tears on her cheeks. Their eyes met.

“Do you want to know what happened?” Sola asked. Paris nodded his head. “My father abused me and burned me with cigars.” She took a deep breath. “I was in such a hurry that night because my mom was going to get home from her grave yard shift any minute and if she found out I was out that late she could’ve told my dad.” Sola rubbed her arms that were still covered by a jacket. Their eyes stayed locked on each other. “I’m here because I’m visiting a group home for a little bit while I wait for my new foster parents. I’m getting out of that house. I’m getting a new life.” Sola said. Paris didn’t say anything for a moment. He looked up at the sky as the rain started to pour.

“Well,” Paris started as he reached out his hand. “Can I be a part of your new life?” He cupped her face in his hand and he leaned over and kissed her. They sat there and he held his lips on hers. She closed her eyes and smiled. By now they were completely drenched. Sola got off of the swing and so did Paris. They held hands as they ran for cover underneath a cherry blossom tree. It didn’t provide a lot of shelter but they didn’t care.

Paris pushed her up against the tree, held her waist and kissed her. They stood in the pouring rain and kissed. After a few minutes they pulled away.

“I’ve got to get home. Do you need a ride anywhere?” Paris asked. Sola wished so badly she could go home with him but she had to meet her foster parents.

“No I’m just right over there.” Sola pointed to the group home across the street. Paris smiled.

“Can I walk you to the door?” He asked. That made Sola smile and she nodded her head. He wrapped his arm around her waist like he did the night of the party. They got up to the door step and he kissed her again. He took out a pen and wrote down his number on her hand. “When you get to your new house call me I want to meet your new family.” Sola nodded and they kissed one last time and she watched him run out into the street up to his car that was parked a little ways down the street from the park. He got in and drove off.

Sola wringed out her hair and parts of her clothing. She leaned against the door for a second thinking about what just happened. She looked down at the ground and smiled. Sola turned around and twisted the door knob and opened the door.

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