One day Sola was at school in her English class right before lunch. They had to write and present their own sonnets. Sola was the last one that had to present that day.

“Alright Ms. Fernandez, your turn.” Mrs. Fronia said. Sola stood up and shuffled up to the front of the room. She hated speaking in front of everyone. They hated her so they wouldn’t care what she had to say. She got to the front of the class and stared out. “Come on now, what’s the title of your sonnet?” Mrs. Fronia said, getting annoyed.

“My sonnet is titled ‘The Only Friend.’” Some of her class mates snickered. “It’s about abuse… Here it is:

And as she lays in the corner face down,

She floats away like the smoke from her lips.

Trying to smile through the pain and frown.

She is bruised all over her arms and hips.

And she sobs quietly into her arm.

She uses the pavement to run away,

In that place there is nothing that brings harm.

This isn’t the price she should have to pay…

She cuts too deep her body starts to sting.

Her friend runs in, her eyes are sad and wet.

Then her one only friend tells her something,

Something she could never ever forget.

“We will sit here and cry,” She said softly.

“’Till the tears run out.” She said carefully.”

Sola looked up from her paper at the class. Some were snickering while others were listening to music not paying attention at all. She turned to the teacher who had wide eyes.

            “That was very good Ms. Fernandez. You can take your seat now.” Mrs. Fronia said. “Now you all can start packing up the bell for lunch will sound any minute now.” The bell rang and everyone started for the door Sola was the last one in the crowd headed for the door. “Ms. Fernandez can I talk to you really quick?” Sola was nervous. Was her sonnet not appropriate for school? “Ms. Fernandez you did some wonderful work in your poem. You had wonderful imagery and similes in it, it was so real. It’s almost as if you had lived it yourself.” Sola looked down. In a way yes, she had lived it herself except she didn’t have that friend.

            “I guess I have a good imagination. I’ve always been a good writer.” Sola said trying to drop the conversation. She just wanted to go to lunch and sit alone in one of the courtyards.

 “Sola, have you lived it yourself? I’ve seen the bruises. I’ve seen the burns. I know I should’ve asked earlier but you hide things so well.”

            “Of course not, just a good imagination. Can I go now? I want to go eat.” Sola wanted to run out of that classroom and throw up. She never wanted to have that conversation again.

“Fine I guess,” She sighed. “But if you ever need to talk I’m here. I can help you Sola.” Sola nodded her head and walked quickly out of the room. She took a deep breath to help her maintain a calm manner.

            “Hey look it’s the poet.” Sola turned around and Cindy, one of her friends, and her boyfriend who was on the football team were leaning against some lockers.

            “Where are you going? Meeting up with that only friend of yours?” Cindy asked.

            “I’m going to lunch.” Sola said trying to keep walking. Cindy’s boyfriend stepped in front of her.

            “Oh but you’re so skinny, wouldn’t want to ruin that perfect figure.” Cindy smiled. Cindy turned to the locker she was leaning on. She put in a code and grabbed her book bag out of it. She threw one of the straps over her shoulder.

            “Hey look I bet she’s so skinny she can fit in that locker.” Her boyfriend said. He started pushing her towards the locker.

            “No, please don’t! Come on guys! Let go.” Sola screamed. He pushed her into the locker and closed the door.

            “Look at that you were right. She can fit in there. Let’s go to lunch I’m starved.” The three of them started walking away.

            “Come on guys let me out!” Sola banged on the locker door. It was no use they were gone. How cliché. Sola thought. Only this would happen to her.

After about 20 minutes a janitor came along. Sola banged on the door of the locker. “Can you get me out of this locker please?” Sola pleaded.

“How in the dickens did you get in there?” The old man asked getting out all his keys. He pulled out one and stuck it in.

“It’s a long story.” Sola said. He twisted the key and opened the door. Sola climbed out of the locker and shut the door. “Thank you so much. I don’t know what I would’ve done without you. I could’ve been in there all day.”

“You’re welcome.” The janitor said and started walking away. Sola picked up her books that she had dropped when Cindy’s boyfriend started shoving her. She looked around for a clock. Lunch was going to be over in 10 minutes. She quickly started walking to one of the courtyards. She walked outside and into one of the corners and sat down in the grass. She was safe, for now.

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