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Y/n POV:
Which song should I listen to today? Maybe... hmmm. Ooo I know! I should listen to 'Moon and Back' by Alice Kristiansen!! I love that song. I take my phone out and grab my headphones off of the nightstand. And sadly I'm going into eleventh grade, tenth was nice, and ninth was ok. But eleventh might be hard, but it's ok because I have my friends and family by my side. Speaking about my family, my mom, and dad are the best parents I could ever ask for. They deeply care about me. And I have an older brother who is annoying, but he helps me a lot. Well, let's get back to the point. So the only reason I'm in my room right now is that I have to write a summary about myself. It's a thing where I write down about myself for new students and new teachers to get to know me. Yeah I know, it's pretty dumb! But if I don't do it then I'm gonna start the year off with a bad grade, and I don't want that.

I guess I could start by writing 'Hi! I'm Y/n M/n L/n! It's nice to meet you! I love to draw, paint, and landscape. I like going on walks and I babysit a lot. I have a bunch of hobbies, I like to stay busy. Oh, and I like to study a lot for school. My dream is to become a nurse and help kids who have special needs. There are so many people out there that need help, and I'll be the one to help them!' Yeah, I think that's good enough for now. (Please pretend all of that is true. Just use your imagination!)

As I was getting up to go downstairs the ground began to shake. I run downstairs to see where my parents are. They have worried looks on their faces. Something is not right, there are never any earthquakes in Ninjago City. We live in the city. What's going on?

My dad turns the news on and the city is....under attack? It's never been under attack, at least not since I've been alive. What's happening? I see on the news that Gale Gossip is talking about some guy named... Lord Garmadon. Who's that? What does he want with our city? Our home. What does he think he's doing?

"Ahhhh!", I screamed.

"Y/n!", screamed my mom.

"Mom!", I yelled and ran over to her. She held me in her arms for a minute and then my dad grabbed us and led us to the staircase. They both let me go first through the door, but the door caved in and they were stuck inside.

"Mom! Dad!", I yelled. I tried to find a way to reach them. I tried to lift the rocks, but I was not that strong.

"Y/n.", says my dad. I direct my attention towards him. I look at him with worry, tears starting to form in the corners of my eyes. "Get out of here honey. We'll find a way out. And if not, please know that we love you. And that we want you to go find your brother."

The floor started to crumble, I started to fall but.. someone caught me in their arms. I turn to see a masked person, a person in.. green? Weird. Who is he? Why did he save me?

"Get out of here.", he orders me.

"No!", I said getting out of his arms to look at my parents. "My parents are up there!"

"I'll help them. Just get somewhere safe.", he says. I nod. Whoever he is, I'm grateful that he came. He has a lot of courage to help people.

"Thank you.", I whispered to myself. I looked back at my parents, the building collapsed. My home... it's destroyed. I felt tears rolling down my cheeks. My eyes filled with tears. I was breaking down in the middle of an emergency. I knew I shouldn't be, but I couldn't help myself. My parents... I couldn't feel them anymore. They're.... gone.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. Someone was with me. But who?

"I'm sorry.", says the person. "I couldn't save them in time. You need to get out of here." I looked up at them. It was.. the same person that saved me before. They're a true hero. They didn't save my parents, but at least they tried.

"Ok.", I said. I got up and went to the evacuation point. There was a ship over there. I guess we were sailing. Wait no. Not sailing. When the person with a blue mask started the engine, we started to... fly? Wow, we were flying. Really flying. Amazing. There was a great view of the city.. and my home. I look down at my apartment building to see it in the rouble. There's no one down there. My parents aren't down there. They're gone...

I started to feel tears in my eyes again. I broke down and fell to the ground. The cold ground. I was alone. My tears fell onto the floor. Nobody could bring them back. Nobody. I didn't even respond to my dad after he said everything to me. He told me to go to my older brother, to live with him. I could feel people staring at me. I felt all the eyes on me. I didn't like it. I looked up to see someone looking at me, it was the same guy. I heard someone say in the back that he was the... green ninja. The green ninja..

"Don't embarrass yourself in front of everyone.", he says to me. "Stay strong. Do you have any other family?"

I wipe my tears away and nod. I sniffle and manage to say "Y-yes. I-I do. I have an o-older brother."

"Well, where does he live? We'll drop you off.", he says.

"In Jamanakai Village.", I said. He reached out his hand towards me. And I took it. I stood up to see people doing their own thing. Nobody was looking at me. That's good.

"Alright, everybody! Please bring your attention to me.", says a guy in red. I think they're ninja. But cooler, much cooler. I've only seen ninja on tv. "I know everyone here is scared and worried. But don't worry, the other ninja and I will bring you all to a safe place. We will be going to Jamanakai Village first. You can get off there if you would like. And if not, then we will bring you to another safe spot." There weren't a lot of people on board the ship. It was just the people that lived in the area where my apartment used to be.

A few minutes later we reached Jamanakai Village.

"We're here.", says the ninja in black. "People that want to get off can leave. But please in an orderly fashion." People did get off. And some people stayed. I was going to get off and see my brother. He won't be pretty happy. He'll be sad to know what happened. I know I'm still taking it in pretty roughly. It's tough. I just lost the two people who cared for me the most in the whole universe. But as the green ninja said, I have to stay strong.

Before I could climb down the ladder I felt someone's hand grab my arm, keeping me from climbing down. I looked to my left and saw the green ninja standing right behind me.

"Hey. I know you lost your parents. But.. just don't do anything stupid. Everything will be ok! I know you can do it.", says the green ninja.

"Thank you, green ninja. I won't do anything dumb. And I know, I have my brother by my side. I'll be fine.", I said. I climbed down the ladder and saw my brother. I ran over to him and gave him a big hug. He looked around, I knew he was looking for our parents.

"Y/n? Where's Mom and Dad?", he asks.

"I'm sorry B/n. But they're not here... they're gone.", I said. I felt a few more tears fall down my cheeks. But then I was embraced by a warm feeling, the feeling of my brother's love. He hugged me and didn't let go of me. Instead, I let go of him. "We have to be strong B/n. Mom and Dad would want us to be."

"Where's this little sister coming from? I thought you'd be sad to hear something like that.", says B/n.

"Yeah, well I learned to stay strong. I learned it from the green ninja. He's really cool.", I wave goodbye to the ninja and mouth the words thank you. "Y'know. He saved my life!"

"I'm glad you're ok sis. Let's go inside. And then we'll prepare for our parents' funeral. And then you can get settled in your new home.", says B/n.

"Ok. I'm ready.", I said. "I'll miss Mom and Dad though."

"Yeah... I already miss them. But we can do it! We've gotta help each other!", says B/n!

"Right!", I said. I was determined!! I wasn't going to fall apart. I wasn't going to break. I was going to stand tall, proud, and most importantly, be myself!

1563 words

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