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Lloyd POV:
It was the next day. I didn't know what to do. I didn't even tell the others about what happened with me and Y/n. What do I do?!?! Why does my life have to be so complicated?

"Hey, Lloyd! Aren't you gonna attack me?", asks Cole.

"Oh yeah. Sorry..", I said. I lunged forward swiping my sword in front of Coles's face but he quickly dodged it.

"Wait!", says Kai stopping us.

"What?", asked Cole.

"Lloyd.", says Kai. I turned my attention towards him. Am I in trouble? What did I do now?? "You've been distant what's wrong?" Oh phew. At least I wasn't in trouble. But I might as well be, once I tell them what happened they're gonna kill me. They're gonna kill me with questions!!

"Uhm nothing...", I said. I lied!! Now I'm gonna be in more trouble!!!! Great!

"There's something wrong. Tell us the truth Lloyd.", says Nya.

"Yeah we won't get mad.", says Jay.

"You promise you won't get mad?", I asked. I sounded like a little kid asking for a promise. But I technically was a kid at heart.

"We promise.", says Kai.

"Now. Tell us what is the matter.", says Zane.

I took a deep breath and said "I saw Y/n yesterday."

"Oooo on a date!", says Nya teasing me.

"N-no not on a date!", I said immediately.

"Ok.. well what happened?", asks Jay.

I explained to them everything that happened. I told them how Y/n wants me to attend the funeral and how I gave her my number. The others cooed and hollered when I said that. It was annoying having them as my brothers and my sister, but I will always love them.

"Soooo what are you gonna do?", asks Cole.

"I don't know. She wants Lloyd to be there, but she personally asked the green ninja to also go. What do I do?", I said.

"Maybe you can switch places back and forth at the funeral.", recommends Jay.

"No! Don't do that! It never works! I've seen it in movies, each time someone does it the character gets in bigger trouble. Don't!!", says Nya.

"But sis. It's the only choice.", says Kai.

I started to think. It wasn't a bad idea. I could come and attend it as Lloyd and then a little while later I can appear as the green ninja. And then I can say that I have to go because there's an emergency, and then I can just come back as Lloyd! Genius! "I have a plan.", I said.

The others looked at me and I explained everything. And they agreed that I could do it, Nya was still a little bit against the idea. But she took a chance and agreed. I have the best family ever!

Y/n POV:
Today was Friday and I couldn't even go to school. I didn't even tell the others yet. I had to soon. Ugh! Why couldn't B/n take care of all the arrangements? I guess I'll have to help.

I decided to let the others know by texting them in the group chat.


Hey guys!!!!
7:22 am

Hi Y/n!
7:22 am

I took a deep breath and thought about telling them. Should I or should I not? Why am I so indecisive??

I have something to tell you guys...
7:23 am

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