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Y/n POV:
I texted Lloyd letting him know we would be there in a couple of minutes.

"No shenanigans, you got that?", says B/n to me.

"Ugh, seriously.. of course not."


We were driving over to where Lloyd lives with his mom. He says that he only stays there when he wants to be with his mother, while most of the time he is at the monastery where his uncle leads the ninja team.

A couple of minutes passed and the navigation spoke on the car speakers saying, "You have arrived at your destination."

I look to my right to see a small one-story house. It looks like something he and his mother would need.

B/n and I both got out of the car to be greeted by an old woman at the front door.

"Welcome you two, my name is Misako. I am Lloyds mother.", says the lady.

"It's nice to meet you Mrs. Garmadon.", I said taking a little bow since I didn't want to disrespect her.

"Oh, we've met before, Y/n.."

"We have?"

"Thank you for allowing us to come over.", says my brother shaking her hand.

"It's my pleasure..", she responds returning the greeting. "I would like to give my condolences to your parents. I'm so very sorry for what Garmadon has done. I hope you know he doesn't mean it.."

I look away from her trying to avoid her gaze.. and this conversation... I couldn't think about that right now. I didn't want to..

"Thank you..", says B/n. "W..we understand."

No, we don't...

He takes my bag from me and lets me enter the house once Misako steps aside.

"Y/n! B/n!", says Nya running up to us. "You guys are here! I'm so glad."

I couldn't help but giggle at the sight of her jumping up and down so happy like she was a little kid.

"Your such a little kid Nya!", I said teasing her.

She huffed and puffed, like the big bad wolf in stories, while Kai walked over raising his hand for me to high-five. "Nice one! She's always been a little kid. And forever will be one."

I giggled and watched as the two of them started to bicker back and forth with each other.

"Alright cut it out you two.", says Jay breaking it up by walking in between them.

"Yeah, let's just have some fun.", says Lloyd helping out.

"Hey, Y/n! Over here!", says Cole calling to me from the living room.

I slowly backed away from the four of them and walked over to Cole and Zane.

"Hi guys!", I said giving them little side hugs.

"We are very happy that you and your brother were able to make it.", says Zane.

"So am I, Zane!", I replied sitting down in between them.

The three of us started watching a little bit of tv as the others started to cool off from the war between the Smith siblings.

"How are you doing after this morning?", asks Cole out of the blue while not looking at me. He keeps his eyes on the tv and asks in a caring way.

I felt my heart shatter after he had asked me that question. "I-I I'm fine.." I felt a tear run down the side of my cheek. I quickly looked away and wiped my eyes. I looked back toward Cole to see him giving me a warm smile.

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