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Y/n POV:
I gripped the wooden sword tightly with my right hand. Taking a deep breath in, I decided to take a shot at training with the green ninja.

I lunged forward aiming to hit him, but he just ended up dodging it. He jumped up into the air and did a backflip landing on his feet.

"Nice, Y/n!", says the fire ninja. I looked back at him and smiled.

"That was good.", says the green ninja. "You still have room for improvement though."

"Makes sense.", I respond by swinging the sword over my shoulder almost hitting him and myself in the face.

He walks over to me saying, "You've just gotta fix your posture." He grabs my arm and moves it into the right spot. Next, he puts his hands on both sides of my waist moving them so that my hips are facing forward. I was probably brighter than a tomato at that moment.

Once I looked at him, he looked at me and realized what he was doing so he quickly released his grip on me and looked towards the others.

"Sorry about that. I didn't realize.. what.. I was doing...", he says slowly turning his head back to face me.

"No prob, you're just trying to help.", I said staying completely still in the position he had set me in.

"Ok, so let's try that move again, but this time when you're about to strike try to end in this position your in. It will help you make a direct hit.", says the green ninja walking back to his spot.

I nodded my head and did the same. Once I was ready Master Wu rang the bell and we began.

I ran towards him aiming my sword, focused on my actions and pose. I made sure that I was completely focused on the way I would land an attack on him. This time I was able to hit him in the arm. But soon enough he moved to the side and I stopped straight in my tracks ending in the same position he showed me.

"You're a quick learner.", he says standing up straighter.

"Thanks..", I said giving him the sword back. "I didn't hit you too hard, did I?"

He took the sword and walked back over to set it back on the wall.

"I'm good, don't worry. I'll be back.."

I watched as he walked away to where the others were. Soon I lost sight of him.

"Great job Y/n!", says the black ninja walking up to me.

I giggled and watched as they all got back to their own training. They all paired back up, except for Water and the green ninja.

I wonder where they went..

Lloyd POV:
She was learning fast.

I'm glad. I want Y/n to be safe and defend herself in the future. She is my friend after all..

Once I was done sparring with her, Nya had called me over.

"I'll be back.. Wait here with the others n/n.", I said looking back at her.

"Ok.", she said.

"What's wrong?", I asked Nya pushing through the others to get to her.

"You've got to see it to believe it..", she says grabbing my arm and pulling me inside. I obliged her order and let her drag me to wherever we were going.

We ended up in the base where Nya pulls something up on the big screen.

"Harumi!?", I yelled and my eyes widened.

"That's right.", says Nya. "There was a motion going off on the camera outside, so I came in to check what it was. When I checked the camera, I saw her."

Ninjago | The Space Between Us | Lloyd x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now