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Y/n POV:
There was no time to think!

I had to get over to her as fast as I could.

To calm her down I talked to her. I've heard that talking always helps. I guess I could benefit from talking with someone..

"Hey.. what's your name?", I asked through a little crack between the flames.

She sniffed and looked up at me wiping her left eye.

"Harper..", she whispered. She cried a little more into her stuffy, while not looking at me.

"Well, Harper.. My name is Y/n.", I replied. "I know we don't know each other, but please I can tell you are a strong girl. We'll get out of here.. together.", I said reaching my hand out towards her.

"I'm scared.."

"Me too."

Then as I was about to walk through the flames, risking my safety, a bright light appeared in front of me causing me to stumble backwards.

"Whoa..", I said shielding my eyes. "What in the-?"

"Miss.. w-what's happening?", asks Harper from the other side of the light.

"I'm not sure.."

"Ahhhhh!", yelled Harper as the light surrounded her and rose her into the air.

I tried to get to her to help her, but as I tried the light got brighter.

Almost as if it was stopping me.

I watched it take her out of the building down to the ground.

But once I turned my attention back to the light in front of me, I realized it was getting brighter and brighter.

I shielded my eyes prepared for whatever was about to happen. The golden light moved towards me, surrounding me on all sides causing me to float in the air.

"W-woah!", I said feeling a rush of.. power.?

It felt so warm, it felt relieving. It felt right..

As if the sun was inside of me, as if all of the light in the world was right around me. I felt amazing at that moment..

I closed my eyes and let the power do its thing, not worrying about the consequences that I knew would come.

This has to be done.. I knew that for sure.

"Hello Y/n..", says a voice from the shadows.

"W-who said that?", I asked surprised, while looking to my right and then left for an answer.

"You'll find out who I am soon enough..", the voice says. "I'm sure you're wondering what that light was."

I looked around everywhere trying to see who or what was there.

It was nobody..

I couldn't find out where that voice came from.

"You won't find me here. I'm speaking to you telepathically."

"What do you want?", I asked keeping my guard up. "What did you do to me? Is that girl ok?"

"Don't worry, you are fine. So is she, all because of your new power..", they responded.

"Ok.. then what do you want with me?", I asked easing up.

"I just came to tell you about your brother, and how he's been hiding a secret about your past."

"What do you mean? B/n would never hide anything from me."

"Well you are wrong.", they said projecting images of me just a few seconds ago back in Ninjago. "You have been gifted an ancient power. People see it as a destructive power, one that should never be in anyone's possession."

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