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Nicholas POV:
"Hey Mom!", I yelled running down the stairs.

"What's wrong hun?", asked my mom.

"Can I go meet Y/n in the city?", I asked. "It's been a while. Please. Please, mom."

"Of course. But before going, I need to have a serious conversation with you Nic.", says my mom.

"What's up?", I asked flopping down onto the sofa.

"I wanted to talk to you about Y/n.", she says. What's wrong with Y/n? Ugh, I swear, if she's being bullied then I'm gonna give that bully a piece of my mind!! "The attack that occurred in Ninjago City. It impacted her life."

"What do you mean?", I asked. Impacted her life? Was she ok?? All of my thoughts revolved around her being hurt or injured. I had to know what was wrong! "What's wrong Mom?! Is she ok? Are her parents ok?! Is B/n ok?? What's wrong!!!???"

"B/n and Y/n are just fine. It's their parents. The apartment they were living in... collapsed. It was destroyed. And their parents didn't make it out alive. They're gone. And Y/n has invited us all to their parents' funeral that is going to be held this weekend.", says my mom.

"Wow... that must've been tough on her. Really tough. She was soo close with her parents. She must be sad.", I said.

"Yes. Which is why I'm allowing you to drive back to the city. And spend the rest of the week there until the funeral. After the funeral, we will all come back home together. I think she needs you.", says my mom.

"Ok, mom. I will. Thank you. I'll help Y/n and B/n. They're both a part of our family.", I said getting up. "I'll call her right now."

"She might be in class though. It's the first day of a new school year. You should call her later.", says my mom.

"It's ok Mom. I know she'll pick up.", I said. My mom nodded and I headed up to my room.

I dialed Y/n's number on my phone and called her. It rang once, but she didn't pick up. So I decided to call her again and this time she picked up.

Y/n POV:
I was still in the middle of giving the others a tour of the city. I've shown them the museum, Ninjago City's national park, and Borg Tower. Next, I guess I could show them the town hall. As I was about to tell them I got a phone call, a phone call from my best friend.

"Hi, Nic! It's been so long! How are you? Y'know, out in the villages and not in the big city anymore.", I said.

"It's... different. But I'm not calling you to talk about myself.", says Nic. The others saw that I was on a phone call, so they turned to me and quieted down and I gave them a slight smile. That was kind of them to do. "I'm here to talk to you... about your... parents."

"Your mom told you?", I asked.

"Yeah....", says Nic. "I'm sorry to hear about it." I felt tears rolling down the sides of my cheeks. I felt the others looking at me. I wanted Nic to be by my side, but he wasn't. At least he was by my side over the phone.

"Can we please not talk about that.", I pleaded.

"Sure. We can always talk about it another time. But, I just wanted to let you know that my family and I will be there this weekend. And I'm coming over this week to help you out a bit.", says Nic.

"Oh ok! Cool. It'll be nice to catch up with you!", I said.

"Sure will!!!", says Nic. The others started to talk again. They were whispering about stuff and Nic caught on. "Hey? Are you with some people?"

"Oh yeah. They're my new friends. They just came to the school today as new students and I'm showing them around the city.", I said.

"Cool. Can I meet them? Go on FaceTime.", says Nic.

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