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Lloyd POV:
It was my first day being a ninja and I couldn't protect everyone. I saw one girl who lost her parents and I felt terrible. Just terrible. So so terrible. I'm a failure. I knew that the others realized I was down in the dumps, so they walked up to me.

"It's not your fault Lloyd.", says Kai.

"Yeah. You did your best!", says Nya.

"And that Y/n girl isn't as sad as before.", says Cole.

"Yeah she looked happy when she was with her brother.", says Jay.

"Do not be so hard on yourself. You did all that you could. Next time we will do better.", says Zane.

"You're right. I just- I don't know. I just felt.. bad for her. I know how it is. My dad is the one that killed her parents.", I said.

"Yeah, but it's ok.", says Kai.

"How about we go check on her? Obviously not talk to her, but just spy on her from a distance.", says Cole.

"Not real spying. It's for a good reason, not a bad reason.", says Jay.

"Ok.", I said.

Once we got to Jamanakai Village we saw Y/n with her brother walking through a park. We closed in near them. We all hid behind trees and walls listening to their conversations.

"So... anything going on in school?", asks B/n.

"It's just school... nothing special.", says Y/n kicking a rock with her hands in the pocket of her hoodie.

I just realized that Y/n has beautiful h/l h/c hair. She wears an oversized f/c hoodie with shorts on. And knee-high socks with sneakers on.

"Oh come on! Mom told me that you were going to give some people a tour.", says B/n. Y/n looks at him with a sad expression then looks back at the ground. "Uhh. I-I I'm sorry sis. I didn't mean to make you sad again."

"It's ok. And you are right. I'm giving a tour to six new students. Tomorrow I'm going to show them around the school and city. It'll be a good way to keep my mind off of mom and dad until the weekend when we host the funeral.", says Y/n. Wait a minute. Those six new students are my friends and me. We're going to eleventh grade and Y/n looks like she's in eleventh grade. So she must be our tour guide. Cool!

I guess the others also caught onto it because now they're texting in the group chat.


Wait. Aren't we going to school tomorrow?

Yeah, we are!

Cool. We'll get to meet Y/n in our civilian forms.

Yes. But we must make a good first impression on her tomorrow. I am speaking of you Jay, all you do is play video games. We must be nice to Y/n tomorrow.

Yeah, Jay! Please be nice to Y/n tomorrow.

Ok, ok. Don't worry. Jeez. I like to play video games and you guys lose your minds.


Ok, ok, guys. Tomorrow we'll act like we don't know her at all, even though we met her today. Got it?



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