Chapter 60: brought to you by Plot Holes

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Went on a trip to see my new baby nephew. That is why this update is late. So, now, back to your program of "Whose Mate Were They Anyway?"What happens after the fight? What do Neara's males think of Shay? There's probably some learning in here and a suspension of belief, but if that's the craziest thing about this story... you tuned in too late.


Neara stalked to the wall and hit the stone with her fists. It felt good, the grit of the wall collecting on her palms, and she hit again. Her hands stung. She punched it again and again, her knuckles cracked and bleeding, the bright red on the stones providing a target. Her hands ached and she continued to hit, continued to hurt, continued to bleed, until Orson wrapped his arms around her. "I heard."

"It's not even that she wants to go, Orson." Her stiff voice cracked so often, she felt surprised it didn't break. "It's that she won't even consider staying..."

"She has to do what's best for her family." He held her and didn't try to turn her around. They both stood in front of the wall and looked over the snowy fields, spotted with dark brown. "And you have your own to worry about."*

"You're just going to take them away..."

"For their own good. This is the way the Sheep Clan has done things for hundreds of years. They will grow better when they are raised by a village, and not two people." His grip tightened. "Don't think I don't love them, because I do, and it is because I love them that I let them go."

"Why do we have to let go and Shay gets to keep hers? Why am I crazy for saying what her mates have been saying all along? What she's been saying..."

"Our truth is hard to recognize when it comes from another's mouth. My mother used to say that when I'd get pissed at her, or my brothers." He chuckled softly. "Which was often."

"Really? Because I thought you were so mild-mannered..."

He squeezed her gently. "Sarcasm when I'm trying to comfort you? That's rude."

"I just... "

"She's not gone forever. You'll find each other again. Even if we can't leave the City of Beasts." He sounded distracted as he talked, and she realized he was watching the fields. "I should take the boys to my Clan soon. You'll be here in the Tiger Castle, surrounded by guards, so no one will harm you."

"But you and Winston are leaving."

"You still have Theo, and even if he's a butt-fluff he can still kick ass. So I'm not too worried." He gently touched the mark on your shoulder. "This means I'll be able to find you, wherever you go."

"Like a tracking device?" She noticed his puzzled stare. "Like I'm leaving a scent trail only you can follow?"

"Exactly." He squeezed her tightly.

"Orson... I've been meaning to ask you about something..."

"Orson, have you seen... oh, hello Neara." A tiger beastman stood just behind them and placed his hands carefully behind his back. "Winston wanted to talk to you about something urgent."

"Tell him I'll be right there... Orson, is it ok if I..."

"You don't need to ask permission." He lightly tapped her nose. "For anything."

She smiled and gently hugged him, then followed the tiger beastman out.

"In case that wasn't clear, I meant you could mate the hell out of Winston and I wouldn't give a shit!" he bellowed after them.

Neara said nothing, but her ears took the opposite approach. Thankfully, the beastman with her ignored the embarrassing outburst. Or declaration. Whatever it was, it wasn't going to happen now.

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