Chapter 113: brought to you by MINE!

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I don't wanna use my brain, but I'm gonna


Thankfully, Dawn's violence upon others was curbed: on the world in general, no, as she insisted on trying to lash trees with sticks or make weapons out of anything she found, but no one was getting beaten. This was good.

She did latch on to her father with Luna, however, whenever he had the thought to set out and inspect the borders of his territory himself. One time he even agreed to show them how to make dens, even though it was obvious to everyone that toddler hands wouldn't be able to accomplish what a snake body-made-drill could do. Shay just enjoyed the fuzzies of watching Curtis be an attentive daddy.

Ryan and Harvey often stayed at her side as much as they could, especially since Curtis would get preoccupied with children. Ryan had always been friendly to Harvey, but now it seemed even more so since he had learned of Shay's acceptance with him as a mate, even though she had yet to actually go through with mating him. She could still feel a fine line of tension drawing up Ryan's spine whenever Harvey nuzzled too close, and even let out a warning growl if he kissed her, but he didn't proceed to death-con-three like he would if Parker and Miur had tried the same.

Shay knew she couldn't put it off forever. Nor did she want to. It was more a matter of finding an opportunity for privacy when she already had the overly needy snake and panther taking up her time, both in the day and the night.

Then, her chance came when her period finally returned.

Though she couldn't smell anything, the males reacted as though they'd been turned on their heads. Curtis sent whichever boy snake who came back for the day back out on patrol to much whining/hissing, then set off himself to patrol his territory. Miur went flying to watch from above. Parker and Ryan took all the house needs upon themselves along with babysitting the very rambunctious girls and dragon. And since Shay was out for the count with cramps and bleeding without pads, she couldn't even help them.

Instead, she found herself in her bedroom, groaning in agony until Harvey finally came in and set to rubbing her hips. Drooling and falling asleep were forefront in her mind, as was often the case when Harvey set his magic hands on her. Even more so with all the symptoms of a period, though. Especially once the pain went away.

She was just drifting off to furry fuzz land of her bed when the hot hands massaging her hips moved around to cup her rear.

She woke with a jolt. There was nothing massage-like about the way Harvey was touching her.

But only for a second and then his hands moved down to her thighs. Thumbs made lazy circles down the backs, then up the sides and over her hips, dragging her dress along with them.

As they came up, so did he, resting his chest against her back. His breath brushed against her ear.

"Feel better?"

Every hair on her body rose up.

So, for the first time, she did the attacking.

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