Chapter 110: brought to you by clay

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Today on "Days of Our Lives; The Stone Age": Winston is called on a dangerous mission for Ape King and he actually goes...again...and Neara takes Tony on an adventure to discover clay. Unfortunately, there are enemies everywhere in the City of Beasts. Fortunately, that keep the tension going. Yay conflict!


Winston stalked the hallway in front of them, his tail lashing back and forth as he walked although his face showed no emotion. The cold lightning fury poured off him like water vapor and even Benedict knew better than to antagonize him.

"So are you a tiger or a rhino because you're about to start pounding through the floor."

At least, Neara thought he did.

The agitated tiger continued pacing although Neara saw his eyes tighten as he passed in front of her again. She missed Orson, but he'd gone looking for herbs to help her soup although he said there were slim pickings around the City. Even with the well, Ape King insisted water couldn't be spared for crops.

"I mean, even rhinos talk." Benedict persisted, although weaker this time.

Tony snoozed near the windowsill, though his ears occasionally twitched towards Neara. They were tiny things, almost hidden in his thick brown hair. What? She couldn't notice he had nice hair? Why did she have to add nice? Thick hair was nice hair, and even without bathing it looked glossy and nice to run your fingers through.

Honey whispered against her tongue and she averted her eyes, positive the warmth on her cheeks wasn't the sun.

"Why can't I go with you?"

Winston stopped and turned his entire body to face her, his eyes still tight around the corners. "You would be in great danger."

"Agatha, you're perfectly safe here with me and Franklin and Tony."

A small wince, barely perceptible, tensed through Winston. "I don't know any Scorpions with three stripes, let alone four. I'll be back soon."

"He's only doing this to kill you." Neara rubbed the back of her short hair, trying to get used to it again.

"I can't disobey Ape King." Winston looked at his hands and flexed them slightly, turning the ivory palms over in the sunlight. He almost sparkled.

"I know." They couldn't afford the attention a rebellion would cause.

"Well, why don't you just go already? The sooner you're gone, the sooner you come back." Benedict shrugged with a smile that didn't quite stretch his mouth. "It's not like she's going anywhere," he continued, "so just leave the castle to us and we'll be fine."

Winston shook his head slightly. "Not until Franklin comes back."

"Why wait for the sheep? Tony and I are more than a match..."

His eyes flashed cold steel and he buried Benedict with his gaze. "I'm waiting for Franklin."

The snow leopard said nothing, just shrugged and went to stand at the window, although Neara heard a mutter about 'damn salt price'.

Winston continued to pace, although his tail fell, almost dragging behind him as he walked, almost as stiff as his forearms. The dull roar of the City moving sounded like a heartbeat in the unbearable heat, although she couldn't distinguish any particular voices.

The tiger stopped abruptly, his body a straight line. He looked down the hallway with downturned lips. "Your scent."

"I know, damn it, I leave it everywhere. At least I cleaned up this time." Orson's voice sounded exhausted and, customarily, ticked off. "You got nothing better to do than stomp around her room?"

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