Chapter 9: brought to you by birdies giving the bird

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Rallying the troops because, when all else fails, we run home to our mommy and she'll fix all our problems said no one ever, and if it is true, this dog eat dog world is going to munch you up--and that dog will be a snake. A hot snake. And the munching will be the sexy munching. The gift of sight from a sexy bird. Are birds sexy? This one might be.


Neara's attitude hadn't improved by the morning. Her eyes had opened to find herself in Harvey's chest, who smiled and pointed to the cold fire pit. She'd uncomfortably remained in bed and didn't sleep at all. His attractiveness couldn't be denied, but neither could her creeping sense that all the men in this world just wanted to have sex with her, regardless of what they said.

The morning meat had been cold, but somehow better flavored than the previous night. Harvey washed his hands and turned his gentle eyes to hers. "I will see to Parker and Calvin now. Don't leave the hut; I don't want your lack of sight to injure you."

Naturally nosy, this warning carried no injunction against poking around his belongings, so a hunting she did go. Her fingers explored the rough wooden box where he kept his garlic, the small stone mortar and pestle and the larger stone bowl she could fit her arms inside. She also found some chilis and reminded herself not to touch her eyes. When she squinted around the entire hut, finding nothing of interest, she ventured outside. The day felt as warm as a fire and, after attempting to look for shade, she retreated back indoors. She thought she was going to have an adventure, but adventures were for days when the temperatures weren't conducive to sweating in a tube top made of fur. With her luck, it'd slide down her body; she was lucky her mini skirt made it this far!

With nothing to do on the inside except poke around some more, she commenced sleeping. The blanket flopped on, then off, then on, then off again. Her foot poked out from the bottom and she stopped moving. Her dreams were filled with heat and the rancid taste of pea soup, for some reason. Lions flashed past her eyes, Dorothy surrounded by glistening models and statues, her ruby slippers clicking in the distance. The sound consumed the rest of her consciousness until soft fingers stroked her awake.


Her eyes slowly opened although her world suddenly blurred. "Harvey?" She sat upright and pushed herself away from him. Sweat dripped from her face and she could feel the hot trails on her body from being under the blanket. "How's Calvin? How's Parker? Are they all right?"

He chuckled and his white shape moved towards the fire. "They are in fine spirits although both are severely injured. Calvin inquired most after your health and safety."

"Did you tell someone to look for my glasses?"

"Not yet; I just came back to retrieve some garlic for their wounds. It will sting, but they must be kept from infection." He stood and walked to the door. "Don't worry. I will inform the villagers about your glasses."

The door shut behind him and Neara stood up. "I hate this... I can't even feel my way to the lake because I'll probably get kidnapped like Shay and I can't see anything!"

She heard a scratching sound and froze. It came from outside. It multiplied, as if five people ran their nails over the door at the same time.



"Neara?" An unfamiliar voice called out. "Neara, we are from the Eagle tribe and mean no harm. Harvey sent us to get information about Shay and your glasses."

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