Chapter 5

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I wake up and I see the morning sunlight pouring through my window. I yawn and slip out of bed. I put on my $5 slippers and walk over to my phone charger, where my phone is charging. It is 7:02 AM. I quickly get dressed. I put on a flannel shirt, with dark skinny jeans. I put my hair into a side braid. I walk out of my room and into the kitchen. My dad is reading the paper and having a cup of coffee. He looks up from the paper and turns to me.
"Good morning!" My dad says excitedly. For some reason, he is always happy.
"Morning!" I say back.
"Hello Emiwee!" Olivia and Paige chant. Their L's sound like W's, so it really sounded like "Hewo!"
"Good Morning girls!" I say as I hug and tickle them both.
"What would you like for breakfast?" My dad asks as if he's the worlds top chef.
"I'll just have some cereal." I say as it pull out a white bowl from the cabinet.
"Cereal it is!" My dad says as he takes a sip of his coffee and looks back down at the newspaper. As I sit down in the dining room and begin eating my cereal, my phone buzzes. I pick it up and check my notifications. Claire and Tara are texting me.
Tara- Who?
Me- omg who?
Tara- OMG really??
Claire- yeah!
Me- how did they break up?
Claire- So supposedly after the football game last night, Hunter was so mad at Nicole for pranking you, so Nicole said that it was just a silly little game, and then Hunter said all Nicole ever does is games! Then they kept fighting and eventually broke up! Omg it was so juicy!
Tara- OMG
Me- How do you know all this?
Claire- Well, I was helping out with the snack stand last night.
I return to my home screen and check the time. It says 7:39 AM. Shoot! I was going to be late. I hug my dad and my sisters goodbye and rush out the door. I run around the block to the bus stop. Hunter was there. Just Hunter. No Nicole, no cheerleaders. Just Hunter. I walk slowly up to the bus stop and we just stand there in silence.
"I'm sorry about last night." Hunter begins. "I swear I had nothing to do with it."
"Why are you apologizing? You didn't do anything." I say with a confused look on my face.
"I know, it's just that I saw the way Nicole treated you, and it was atrocious. I broke up with her last night because I'm tired of putting up with all her drama." Hunter says. He looks me straight in the eye, waiting for a response. I look back. His eyes are a bluish grayish when you look at him carefully. I just don't respond. The bus pulls up and we both go in.
"Where is everyone?" Donna asks, shocked at the fact that is was just Hunter and I at the stop.
"We don't know." Hunter and I both say at the same time. We both chuckle and sit next to each other.
"You know my friend Claire?" I say, still grinning.
"Yeah. She's cool." Hunter says, also still grinning.
"Well, don't tell anyone, but she has a HUGE crush on you." I whisper to him. Hunter looks surprised.
"Really? Wow! She's pretty cute!" Hunter says, smiling.
"Yeah!" I assure him. "Why don't you sit with us at lunch today?" I ask, hoping he will say yes.
"Sure! I was kind if wondering where I would sit anyway haha." Hunter chuckles.
When we get to school, we unpack and go into homeroom. I chat with Tara for bit then Mr. Maul tells us to take our seats. After homeroom, I rush to Honors Math, where I sit next to Claire, I told her the news.
"Hey!" I say happily.
"Hi!" Claire responds.
"Guess what?!" I say.
"Oh my gosh what?" Claire says with a smile.
"I told Hunter that you liked him and he said your cute!" I whisper excitedly.
"Oh my gosh you're the best! Thanks!" Claire shouts. We hug for a solid 10 seconds and Miss Guzman begins class.
When lunch time comes, I find Tara and Claire at our usual table. We sit down and I tell Tara and Claire that Hunter will be sitting with us.
"Okay!" Tara says before she takes a bite out of her ham sandwich.
"Yay!" Says Claire before she takes a sip of her lemonade. As Hunter walks in the lunchroom, he looks around for us. Claire puts her hand up and motions him over. As she's waving her bangle bracelets make a loud sound that make some people turn their heads. As Hunter sits down with us, we all wave at him. He takes a seat right next to Claire. Claire blushes.
"Hi ladies." Hunter says with a smile on his face.
"Hi Hunter." We all say together.
During lunch, we talk about school, and drama, and all different sorts of things.
The afternoon goes by like a blur. When I get home, I start my homework. My phone then buzzes like crazy.
Claire- omg
Claire- omg
Claire- OMG
Claire- he didn't ask me out though :(
Claire- but whatever!
Claire- haha
Tara- omg yay!
Me- yay! Go Claire!
I shut my phone off and continue on my homework.
About 20 minutes later, I finish my homework. My dad strolls into the dining room with Paige in his arms.
"Want to order Chinese Food?" My dad asks.
"Sure!" I say as I put my books back in my backpack.
"Ok! I'll call the Chinese place right now. Mom will pick it up on the way home from work." My dad nods.
A couple hours later, my mom comes home with the food.
"Hi girls!" My mom says as she hugs Olivia, Paige and I. I eat my sweet and sour chicken and my rice. I drink my coke. After dinner, my mom and dad watch a comedy movie, and I just head to my room. I relax on my bed and pull out my phone. I go on Instagram and it says I have received a direct message. It's from Hunter! Oh no, what could this be? I open it, and it reads:
"Thanks so much Emily for telling me that Claire liked me! I just asked her out! She said yes! Thanks again, you're the best!
- Hunter"
I literally scream! Claire and Hunter are boyfriend and girlfriend! I immediately text Claire.
Claire- yes!
Me- yay!!!!!
I shut my phone off and plug it in my charger. I put on my nightgown, slip into bed, turn off my bedside lamp, and go to sleep peacefully.

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