Chapter 6

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I wake up to the sound of my phone buzzing on my nightstand. I check my phone, and it's Claire texting me.
Claire- Guess what? :(
Me- omg what?
Claire- I just broke up with Hunter :/
Me- why???
Claire- We were just to different! He's the charismatic quarterback, I'm the shy book nerd.
Me- that's not true!

I lied.

Claire- yeah it is. We just weren't meant for eachother.
Me- ok. I'll see you at school. Bye!
Claire- byeeee! Ttyl ;)
I shut my phone off. I kind of expected their relationship to be only a day. They are different. I honestly don't know why I basically put them together. I head into the kitchen. I quickly eat a banana and make myself a piece of toast. I eat it then go back in my room and get dressed. I put on a black sweater with white polka dots and comfy leggings. I put on some black moccasins and go into the bathroom to brush my teeth and style my hair. I put it back in a cute bejeweled headband. I check the time on my phone. It reads 7:41.
Shoot! I was going to miss the bus! I quickly grab my stuff, say goodbye to everyone, and sprint out the door. I rush around the corner to find Hunter at the bus stop again. Just Hunter. Oh no, this is going to be awkward. I slowly walk up to the bus stop and sit down on the bench next to Hunter.
"Sorry about you and Claire." I say sympathetically, putting my hand on his shoulder.
"It's fine. Our relationship only lasted a day, and I have to admit, it was pretty bad." Hunter chuckles. We stare at each other again, just like we did yesterday. Instead this time it felt real. It's like the moment where you feel the connection, where you finally meet the person you were meant to be with.
"You're a great friend Emily." Hunter says as he holds my hand and squeezes it.
"Oh haha thank you." I say, blushing. I have to admit, I did have a crush on Hunter ever since the first day I moved here, but I never felt this strong about him. I wonder what I would do if he ever asks me out. Would I date my best friend's ex boyfriend? Or would I deny the love of my life? We just keep staring, blushing, laughing, until the bus pulls up. We file in together and sit next to each other. Hunter pulls out his phone and shows me a silly video of a man doing a cartwheel and failing. I swear I've never seen anything funnier in my life. After I contain myself from laughter, I assure Hunter to not to play on his phone during homeroom.
"Make sure you put your phone away, so Mr. Maul doesn't yell at you again! Haha!" I chuckle. He laughs, nods and puts his phone away. I turn away from him to look at the scenery out the bus window.
"Wait." Hunter says. I turn back to look at him in the eye. "Can I have your number?" He asks with that look a little kid has when he/she is begging his mom or dad for something.
I get a tingly feeling and blush.
"Uh, sure." I say. I give him my number.
"Cool. Thanks!" Hunter says excitedly.
Just then, our bus pulls into the schools parking lot. We get out of the bus and walk down the hallways together, telling each other things about ourselves that nobody else knew. I guess we are the "boy-girl friends that both like each other and we both know it but we don't want to admit it to each other because it is too soon" type of friends. I get to my locker, and unpack my stuff. I talk to Claire and Tara about homework, and go to homeroom. Mr. Maul takes attendance, the morning announcements come on, etc.
The only exciting thing about homeroom nowadays is sitting next to Hunter. We tell each other funny stories and when the bell rings, we walk to Math together. We pass Nicole and her friends in the hallway, and they completely ignore us. I guess she moved on. Miss Guzman begins to teach class, and I completely zone out. I daydream about Hunter and I. The rest of the morning went by so fast.
Then it was lunchtime. Where will Hunter sit? Will he sit with his football friends or will he sit with Tara, Claire and I? When I was getting my lunch money out of my locker, Hinter whispers to me "sit with me and my friends today." I nod. I yank the six dollars out of my backpack and rush to the cafeteria. I take a seat between Hunter and one of his friends named Joshua.
I get on the lunch line and buy chicken fingers and fries for $3.75. I also buy some lemonade, that Claire recommended to me. I take my seat and chat with Hunter during the whole lunch period.
After lunch, I go back to my locker and get my books for Spanish class. Oh no! I forgot that we had a quiz today. I didn't study. Thankfully, I understood the material anyway, so I was prepared for it. The quiz was surprisingly easy, and I'm pretty sure I got an A.
A few more hours go by, and finally the last bell of the day rang. I go to my locker, and pack up. I get in the bus. Hunter only takes the bus to school, so I couldn't sit with him this time. I turn my phone on and check my texts. Hunter immediately texts me.
Hunter- hey :)
Me- hi!
Hunter- what's up?
Me- nothing. I'm just on the bus.
Hunter- oh cool.
A few more hours go by of us texting, and then I decide to start my homework.
Me- I gtg :(
Hunter- me too :(
Me- bye!
Hunter- bye. See u tomorrow!
I shut my phone of and do my math homework. My dad walks in my room and says hello.
"Hey honey! What's up?" He asks triumphantly.
"Nothing much. Just homework." I sigh.
"Oh. Your Mom and I have a big surprise for you girls tonight! We will be going out for dinner tonight and we will tell you then!" My dad says in his surprise-voice. I smile and nod.
"Okay! Can't wait to hear it!" I say as I give my Dad a thumbs up.
When it's finally time to go to dinner, my family piles into my moms black honda and we go to a fancy-looking Italian restaurant.
"Fancy!" Paige squeals in her baby voice.
"Yes Paige, it sure is!" My mom says. I have absolutely no idea why they are bringing us to such a fancy place. We get a table for 5 and they seat us.
"So, girls, your father and I have a very special gift for you." My Mom starts. She looks at my dad to speak, as if they rehearsed this.
"We expect you to share this gift. This gift is for all of you." My Dad continues.
"We adopted a Puppy!" They both shout together. They shout so loud that some people look at us. I gasp and my smile goes from ear to ear. I have always wanted a puppy!
"Really? Oh my gosh thank you so much!" I get up from my chair and hug my mom and dad.
"What kind of puppy is it?" I ask.
"A German Shepard. What would you like to name it?" My mom asks me.
"Uh..." I say, dragging out the word. I think.
"Is it a boy or a girl?" I ask before stating any names.
"A girl." My Dad responds.
"You don't have to tell us the name right now, just think about it." My mom says with a wink.
"Ok!" I say. Our waitress comes over and takes our orders. I get a raspberry iced tea and the "Sicily Style Pasta". When our food comes, I scarf down the pasta. I haven't are anything since the chicken fingers I had at lunch and I was absolutely starving. It was so yummy! When we come home, I put on my pajamas, get it bed, send Hunter a goodnight text, and daydream about him until I finally fall asleep.

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