Chapter 14 Caddys' End

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The long soak relaxed me enough to allow me to live in the moment. I only find a big fluffy white robe that goes down to my feet to wear. While drying my hair, I hear a loud deep gurgle erupt from my stomach. 

"I don't think Bruce would mind if I scavenged his kitchen." I shrug and smile at my reflection. My bare feet against the marble floor made a soft pitter patter. Occasionally poking my head around a corner for my desired location. A man clearing his throat behind me made me jump.

"I see. Being sneaky around the manner are we?" It was the snobby, well polished looking butler. 

"Heh. No. Just hungry." I sheepishly admit as I look down. "I really wasn't trying to be sneaky."

"Miss if you are hungry please say something. You are Master Bruce's guest of course." He looked down on me with a raised brow. 

"Welp. Lead the way." I manage to smile while stepping to the side. My eyes wander at all the paintings and statues that decorate the hall. "Where is Bruce?"

"Out on an errand of sorts." Alfred leads the way to the kitchen and opens the refrigerator seeing all available options. I sit on a tall bar stool at the center island. 

I play with my hands as I chew on what to talk about. That is till Alfred has already spoken up. "Do you really intend to turn yourself in or are you just using the young master?"

"Okay. I deserve that but yes." I sigh, pulling at my fingers. "Even though my doctor was drugging me, he did help me see that I was just an object to the Joker. I was so much more than a possession." Tears lightly fall to my cheeks. "Sabrina treated me as a normal person and Bruce..he's been nothing but kind to me."

"You believe by turning yourself in, you're going to atone for your sins." He keeps his back to me as he cooks. "By rotting in prison?"

"Alfred I'm guilty of a lot of things. If I ask for the death penalty... they'll give it to me." I bite my lip as the words feel hard and heavy in the air. "With my death Sabrina can rest in peace. Bruce won't ever have to worry about me again. He seems to want to be around me but we all know who I really am inside."

"A broken woman trying to climb out of a pit. Only to feel as if there is no other way than to fall." His voice is soft as he plates my food and gives it to me. "You are not all monster, Miss. Caddy." 

I frowned at his words. "The thing is though, I only feel remorse over my wife. All the others I honestly don't feel anything. I can't even remember half of their names or faces." I take a bit of the colorful array of food on my plate as I continue, "That's why I belong in prison on death row."

"Who says you can't reform?" He questions. The wall he was holding seems to slowly come down with my honesty.

"I enjoy chaos and I don't want to change. What I do want is to pay for the murder of my wife." 

"With your own death?" He sighs as he leans against the island countertop. The moment was silent, calm actually. I actually feel comfortable being here. 

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