Chapter 3

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Joker POV

It has at least taken me a solid week before I had everything I could find about (Y/N).  She went by (Y/N) Lovelace, cute name if you asked me. I found that shabby apartment of hers and busted it up thinking she would be there. From the looks of the place she just up and abandoned it. Taking little to nothing with her. Knocking down the neighbors doors I also found out she drives an old tan pickup. She really knows how to slide into civilian mode, huh?

I'm sitting on my large black couch and staring at a photo of her in my hands. She's actually not bad on the eyes for some odd wild reason I can't stop marveling at the photo. Her short black hair, those (eye color) eyes and those plump, pale pink lips. I'm snapped out of it when three of my men walk up to me with smiles on their faces.

"We found her Joker." One said stepping forward, "Still in Gotham, never left. She's staying in an pretty lofty building about twenty miles east of here."

I jumped up smiling bigger than before, maybe she'll be my new little toy. I mean she's already used to killing so it wouldn't be that hard to sway her. "Lets go get her boys."


Since my place as (Y/N) Lovelace was targeted I had to relocate to Crazed Caddys loft. I won't be here for to much longer just the night then I'm off early in the morning. I stand in the kitchen with a cup of coffer in both hands. Softly I blow on the black liquid and take a sip. Instantly warming me up inside, I begin to think about how I feel like a tiny mouse running from a cat but the truth was that I am pissed.

If Harley wasn't so damn annoying and stayed in her place. I wouldn't be in the situation I am. Anger just steadily shoots wave after wave in my body. So deep in thought I didn't notice how strong of a hold I had on my coffee cup. Only the breaking of glass catches my attention. I sigh seeing my skin turn red from the hot spilled beverage as blood trickles from my hands where glass is stuck in them.

I go to the bathroom and start to tweeze out the different sized shards. I feel nothing as I do so. Being born without congenital insensitivity to pain with anhidrosis, meaning I can't feel physical pain or temperature but it had many draw backs. I didn't sweat but need to stay hydrated and if I was sick I couldn't tell so I constantly had to check my health. 

I bandage both mt hands up and groan in frustration as I go to lay in my bed. My mind wanders to the Norse goddess Freya who made her son invulnerable to everything except misltetoe. After finding out how he is supposed to die through a prophecy. I chuckly at my wandering thoughts and fall alseep thinking of the Norse Gods.

"BOOM!!" The loud noise filled the whole building and caused to fall out of bed. Quickly I grab my bag still filled with everything I need and climb out of the window onto the edge of the building. Only in a large tshirt and some boy short panties I begin a cautious shuffle over to the other lofts windows. One has a light on, quickly I shuffle along to it and to my pleasant surprise it's unlocked. I sneak into the loft and it kinda resembles my own but the layout is flipped. I run for the door and i swear to god lady luck is riding my dick! No none in sight so I quietly walk down the stairs to the main lobby. My pace picks up as I am basically streaking my way away from my funeral. My big smile is put to a stop once I open the doors. Two big ass guys wearing tiny little clown mask are blocking me from leaving. Cheekily I smile and sratch my nose, "How about we let a distressed lady leave, hm?"

"(Y/N)! Oh there you are." A high pitched voice is emitted behind me. I don't turn around just glare at the two monkeys. "You're a very hard woman to find." He emphasis the woman part and chuckled like the mad man he was. I smiled turning around and giggled as I spoke, "Ya found me J, now come and get me." My glare meeting his as I walked up to him and pressed my body against his as I fiddled with the buttons on his orange vest. My voice low and seductive as I whispered, "Or you just can't handle a woman of my caliber? Hmm?" I bite my bottom lip looking into his green and red blood shot eyes.

He arches his brow in interest before shaking his head and sneering as he pushed me away. I laughed falling to the ground as his oversized goons carried me off into a van. A black bag was put over my head but I got a strange feeling the whacko couldn't keep his eyes off of me. We sat in the van taking various rights and lefts. I wasn't able to keep track of where I was and the ride felt like an eternity with a damn sack on your face. The van comes to an haulted stop throwing me to the floorboard of said vehicle. I swear I heard the Joker growl as he pulled me up to my feet. He jerked me out of the van and lead me around while having one of my arms twisted behind my back.

He finally let me go and ripped the bag off my face. He had pushed me into a small, dark room and ushered me to sit down in a nearby chair near a table. As soon as I sat down the kinky fuck tied me to the damn thing. I shake my head and chuckle, "Oh pwease mister big bad Joker. Let me go. I pwomise to not do it again." I mocked and pouted at the clown.

He strikes me in the face hard enough to bust my lip. I laugh licking at the wound and purr leabing as far forward as I can. "Again." That stopped him for a second before slapping me again. I moan out, "Harder Daddy." I'm starting to piss him and it's fucking hilarious. His face is preprlexed as he runs one hand through that greasy green hair.

"You are a strange one." He growls before getting a knife that resembled a scalpel. It glistened in the dim light of the room, he ripped my shirt open. Lucky me for wearing a bra but he quickly carves the words 'Property of Joker' into my stomach. I don't even flinch but just grin in his face as my body starts to feel tired. My eyes start to close as I mumble to him, "Knight sleeping beauty. Haha."

I woke up in a big soft bed surrounded by purple and green sheets. I sit up and stretch my arms up feeling something cold tap against my skin. I looked down at the chain attached to my hand. Shrugging as I pop my thumb out of place and slip the chain cuff off. I made a bee line for the door but unfortunately it was locked. I banged on the door until it was swung open by an annoyed joker.

"How did you get loose?" He demanded to know.

"Dislocated thumb. Duh." I stated it as if it were a simple fact to head on. "Anyways I want to go home now so bye?" I tried slipping past him but one hand comes to my neck and the other holds my face.

"You belong to me now." He growled and nipped at my bottom lip as his grip on my beck got tighter. "Welcome home."

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