Chapter 2

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"What do you mean your gonna be out of town? How long?" I hear the panic in Tommys' voice as he speaks, "But we have a few orders that need to be taken care of."

"So what I'm hearing is you can't handle it." My voice seemed to growl in frustration. "Listen if you can't hack it why don't I have Missy kill you and take your place. She's been dying to be my right hand. Haha."

"N...No! I can do it! But what about the clown?" I can hint the fear rolling off of his tongue.

"Either die fighting or run like a coward. I don't care." I gruffed hanging up and throwing my phone out the window. My driver pulls up to a run down looking mechanic shop. I hop out and turn around to him.

"Remember your role Francis?" I question the driver with a smile. He gulps nodding his head, "Yes sir." And speeds off down the street. Poor fucker is gonna act like an lyft or ubber whatever the damn kids call it. Pick up men looking like my persona self and hopefully that will keep the clown at bay. I chuckle walking into the mechanic shop and straight to the office broom closet. It holds dingy black shirts and pants with boots. A dirty hat lays on the top shelf of the closet and an old mechanic jumper.

I lock myself into the closet and strip to change into the jumper, an old oil stained shirt, slip on the boots and throw on the hat. I go to the bathroom and lock myself in. Pulling out a green and white contact case, I breath deeply looking into the mirror and take off the baby blue contacts to reveal my (eye color) orbs. I can relax my shoulders and my voice to the natural soft tone it is. With a big smile I wink at myself and blow a kiss at the mirror.

"I forgot how sexy I am." I purr at my own image and walk out of the bathroom into the shops open bay.

"Aye!!! Look who finally decided to show back up!" An old squared, squatty man limped out towards me and patted my shoulder. His hair formed a horse shoe, the top was bald and glistened with sweat. He had a thick salt and peppered mustache with stuble every where else. His lips held onto a cigarette as he spoke, "You always leave me here with a bunch of block heads who can't even change a tire."

"D'awe sounds like Mac missed his best mechanic. Maybe next time you won't call me call me insane when I lose it." I sneered and rolled as my eyes as I went downstairs into lower bay under the cars.

" damn shiksa! You BROKE Tonys hand with a wrench!" He emphasized on the broke part and went on, "You can't be hurting these boys because you don't like them!"

"Pervert grabbed my ass! He fucking deserved it." I inhaled sharply as I spoke through my teeth, "You know what Mac your fucking lucky I still keep you around. Don't forgot who actually owns this place."

He grew sheepish and walked away from arguing with me. My blood was boiling by now but I couldn't just out right beat the poor guys head in with my wrench. I way laying low! I huffed marching back up the metal stairs to upper bay. I smile with a funny idea formulating in me, my big ass wrench in hand I chuck it through the office window facing the bay. It shatters and I hear a groan that turned into a pissed off yell. It made me laugh hard pissing the old man off.

"I'M GOING HOME FUCKWADS! HAHA!" I run to an my old 1997 chevy dodge. The driver door creaks as I open it and slam it shut. I start up the engine and it still purrs like new. It's time to go home and try to calm myself. Usually as (Y/N) I'm lite as fuck to stay calm and not feel the need to have Caddy out. Gripping the steering wheel tight I drove home to my run down dingy ass apartment. I park my truck infront of the building and stare at the over grown vines that are weaving in and out of the dull red bricks. It wasn't too fancy or hell even special but it was home.

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