Chapter 6

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"Kitten. Please come out." The Joker purrs as he hugged the door listening for me. "It's been two whole weeks."

"LEAVE ME BE!" I yell from the bed to lazy to even move. I've been drained by sudden mood swings. I'm shattered finally, the only person who I thought loved me wanted to leave me. It was my fault. The whole god damn problem was my fault. I could have just let Harley tear up my club and clean after her. I was just too angry though. I couldn't let it go especially after someone stole from me.

Tears prick my eyes as I stare at her photo. Hopefully she's an angel like she was to me. Why do I feel this way? I feel betrayed yet guilty. "It was all my fault." I cry as I curl up into a ball. My breathing is uneven and heavy as my emotions get caught in my throat. I'm a horrible person, maybe it was too late to change. I'm honestly not sure.

The door to the bedroom was slowly opened as Joker barely pokes his head into the room. "Would you like some company?" He asks as he makes his way into the room.

"No. This is both of our faults." I emphasized the both part. "She would be alive if it weren't for us."

He sighs as he sits next to me. My back turned to him as he speaks. "It wasn't anyones fault except for hers' Kitten." He began to gently rub my back with one hand and he continues, "She knew what would happen if she married you. She thought she could change you. Change you into someone she liked better." Harshly he grabs my shoulder pinning me to my back. With one hand he runs it through my hair as his eyes hold empathy.

"It was my fault...she didn't deserve this..." My cry is ugly as each emotion finally pushed out of my throat. Quickly I'm scooped up into a tight embrace, Jokers' face tucked in the crook of my neck.

"She didn't deserve you." He mumbles against my skin, the smell of his cologne is calm and comforting. "Let's get something to eat. Hmm?"

"I'm not hungry." I state trying to push him away. I feel the air being squeezed out of me as he basically bear hugs me.

"I'm a patient man Kitten, but uh, your wearing it thin." Joker growled in my ear all I could do was nod my head in understanding. "Good." He let go of me and got up offering his hand out to me. I took it, to my suprise he laced his fingers with mine and lead me to the kitchen. It wasn't very big but it had the basic necessities in it. A stove, sink, refrigerator and small counter space. 

"Smaller than I thought it would be." I look around and venture into refrigerator. There wasn't much of anything in it.

"Thats what happens when you have a shoot out in a house. Had to move." He just shrugs as he moves me aside to get some bread, buttet and cheese. "A grilled cheese, uh, sound good?"

"Yeah." I stand by the entrace of the kitchen watching his back. He looks over and smirks shaking his head.

"Ya know you can go sit in the living room. Watch some tv? Unless you want to be by my side Kitten." He winks and turns back to the stove. I roll eyes walking to the living and plop onto the couch. Randomly flicking through the channels I land on some mind numbing cartoon.

I guess I've zoned out for a few minutes before noticing the Joker snapping his fingers in my face. I look up to see him smile as he hands me my grilled cheese and sits next to me. I look at the food on the styrofoam plate and then at him. He giggles and leans his shoulder close to mine. "Kitten I didn't poison it. I promise."

"Why are you being so nice to me? What do you have to gain by keeping me alive?" My eyes squint as I lean the opposite direction, suspicious of the clown prince.

"You're just like me. I understand you better than anyone." He scoots closer till I'm pinned between the couch arm and his body. "I love you. I would die for you. Besides I won't ever abandon you."

I feel like being swallowed by the couch or the serious need to pry him off of me. Why can't I move? Why don't I run? He is handsome and can be the sweetest when he's calm. His light green eyes seem to entrap my own (e/c) eyes. Love and warmth is bubbling over within them. Before I know it Im answering him with, "Maybe this won't be so bad."

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