Chapter 13

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Joker POV

I stood watching the bank, I lit a flame burn, embers gently danced in the wind. Some land on my suit making tiny little holes. The joy I felt and the little victory made me feel like a new man. When I get home I'm going to make (Y/N) mew and beg for me like the good kitten she is. 

"Let's make this shine brighter!" I howl out as some of my men throw more gasoline on the already roaring flames. Sirens are faint in the distant. "Time to roll boys." My laugh was maniacal as I got into the back seat of the car. My goons quickly followed suit.

"Where to boss?" The driver gruffed out as he started the car.

"Home olé boy." Leaning back in my seat relaxing as I watch buildings go by in the window. My phone ringing jerks me from my peaceful silence. 

"This better be good." I roll my eyes annoyed at the hesitation on the other side of the phone. 

" s..see out...she managed to get her hands on a vehicle and run down two guys…" Whoever was speaking choked out. "We..we don't know where she went.." 

My teeth clenched as I squeezed my phone, breaking it. My gaze didn't like the back of the front seat. I felt the veins in my neck bulge. "Go faster." I yelled hitting the back of the seat."Fucking speed! If you have to." 


"I'm sorry ma'am but Master Bruce is not home at the moment." A well groomed older butler looked at me sternly. "I suggest a different day."

"That's what you're not understanding." I sigh rolling my eyes. "He told me he could help me. So I think I'll wait inside for him. Thank you." I scoff trying to push past the older man. He blocked me off quickly and stood before me.

"I already told you " He gets interrupted.

"Alfred, who is it?" The voice was oh so deep and familiar.

Alfred stood up straight and stepped to the side clearing his throat. "A Miss Caddy, sir." 

"(Y/N)? But how?" Bruce asked, shocked as he hugged me tightly. "Dr. Crane said you were kidnapped."

I hug him back and rub my face against his chest. Human contact has never brought me peace like this. Unless it was with Sabrina. His cologne made me want to never move. "He was a quack doctor. Shooting me up with crazy drugs. I honestly blacked out and woke up on the Joker's house." 

"So you came straight here?" He looked at me with a small smile. "Does that mean?"

"No. I don't think at this point I can reform myself. Not do I want to work on myself." I sighed and smiled as I brokenly laughed. "But I need to pay for what I did to my wife. I want to be turned in."

"Then why come here?" Confusion and sadness plagued his perfectly chiseled features.

"Please don't look at me like that. We barely know one another yet we are the only ones left." My eyes started to water as I hugged him tighter. "I feel as if I disappointed you and it hurts. The only other person who believed I was good." My small hands gently caressed the sides of his face as I looked into the deep blue eyes. "We both know what has to happen but I would like to spend a night or two somewhat free.." 

He gently rubs my shoulders and kisses my forehead as he nods. "Of course. Stay here for a couple of days and I'll take you to the police station.. only if you want…"

My smile is small but I nod my head as the tears start to fall. "I killed her in anger. I promised to keep her safe but I pulled the trigger." I sobbed against his black suit, dampening it. 

Bruce wrapped his arms around my shoulders and led me to a huge luxurious bathroom. Beautiful white and black marble decorated the room, a walk in shower and a large garden tub. "Take as long as you need, I can send Alfred out to get you some clothes."

"Thank you. For everything." I give him one last big hug before closing the door and drawing a bath. As I lay in the water my thoughts drift off to dangerous places.

"What if I just end it all right here?" I slowly sink lower into the water. "Just drown myself. Either way I go, it's on my own terms right?" I sigh, closing my eyes and restrain the nagging urge.

Joker POV

"Tommy find my slut and find her fast!!" I growl in anger at him.

"Yes sir." He gulped and hung up.

"Look at this pile of garbage." I chuckle looking at the pile of dead bodies in my living room. I look at the rest of my men who are still standing and smile. "Clean this up. When you're done we're gonna go kidnapping. Hahaha." Throwing my head back I let loose into a fit of laughter.

To my delight Tommy called me right back with good news. "Located her through her tracking chip. You're not gonna like this but she's at Wayne manor."

"No fret. You found her, that's the good thing. Now I need you to help me bypass all that security rich boy has. I want her tonight." 

"Yes sir. We can make that happen." Tommy assured as he typed away on his keyboard. "I'll text you everything you need to know."

I hang up the phone with a sadistic smile and look at the boys. "It's time."

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