Chapter 7

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It's been easy to get her to see that I truly do love her. Poor kitten so helpless right now, she needs me to guide her to her true potietnal. Crazed little murderer that she is. She told me all about her family, how mommy killed daddy because she was crazy. Telling kitten that the voices said to, her mother was crazy so the fine boys of Gotham sent her off to Arkham. Then they sent (Y/N) to live in an orphanage. People lived in fear of her thinking she was just like her mother.  Her shattered mind made things way to easy to keep her. It had been a few months of her just staying inside the house but I could tell she was getting bored.

So I decided to let kitten run a few simple errands for me here and there. Since I took over her territory money really started to roll in. It just excited me to see how much power she held. Being ruthless and cut throat makes a girl kinda hot. Haha. Right now she is out collecting money from the stragglers. Of course she isn't alone gotta make sure my kitten doesn't get seriously hurt. She should be back in about another twenty minutes. I sit in the living room expecting to hear the sound of the door opening and slamming shut.

Boredly waiting for my love to come back, I stand up and begin pacing across the room. I look at the watch on my wrist it reading 10:01. Where the fuck is she? No, I'm not over reacting she is always home by 10 sharp. I pull out my phone and call her. The phone rings a few times then goes to voicemail. I do this three more times and get the same result. I sight as my free hand grabs a clump of my hair pulling at it. I dial one of my goons that's supposed to be with her but get no answer from them either. Could she had been caught by the police? Would Batsy go after her?

Too many scenarios run through my head and all of them aren't to pretty. "I'll just go look for her myself. Maybe she'll come home while I'm out." I basically run to my car to find her.


The air looming over Gothams' night sky is stale. The streets littered with trash and homeless people. Dogs barking along with sirens are heard all around. I smile feeling like I'm in my element, Jokers goons follow me as I walk to some nasty ole' run down bar. The door to the place swings open and no one seems to bat an eye that I'm here. The goons who act as dogs stay close to me as we walk to a back room that has several tables all poker games. I roll my eyes at the suckers gambling away their families little bit of money.

At the back of the room a sleazy dressed man ia sitting on a wide couch with two girls layed over him. His hair black and greased back, rectangular dark shades hides hia eyes. The asshole smiles at me revealing a gold grill on his bottom row of teeth.

"I don't remember ordering a whale for tonight." He chuckles making his little sluts giggle along with him. Already losing my patience I pull out my hand gun and shot the fucker in his foot. The room grows silent except of the noise of guns being pointed at goons and I.

"Joker did mention that you were a pig." I smirk glaring at the asshole. "I'm here to collect your payment." My gun points at his face as I keep a toothy smile on my face. His face pales as his addams apple bobs from him gulping. His hand shakes as he lifts it up calling off his henchmen.

"Didn't realize it was that time of the month already....haha." His actions are awkward as he ushers one of his girls for a brief case. She brings it back handing it to me. I take it turning on my heel to leave.

"Aren't ya gonna check it?" He nervously asks me leaning forward.

"Nah. Joker will. Besides it'll be fun to be sent back to kill you. So for your sake lets hope you didn't skimp the man." I laugh wickedly as I make my exit. Honestly killing him for no reason would draw more attention to me than needed. I don't need to run into anyone that will impede my progress home. Can't make Joker worry about me. The man has been so kind and loving towards me that it makes me love him. Our talks that last all during the night as we cuddle. The meals we cook together, hell we've been almost inseparable from each other. When I think about him I start to feel all warm and fuzzy inside. In the midst of my day dreaming I don't notice that Jokers goons are gone nor do I notice the person pulling my into a nearby alley way.  They slammed me against the hard brick wall of a building.

A thick leathered covered hand is placed on my mouth as I'm meet with starking deep green eyes. When my eyes are able to focus in I'm face to face with the one and only Batman. I begin to thrash out, kicking and screaming as loud as I can. His grip tightens on me as he speaks in a very low, gruff voice. "Where is he?" I raise a brow at him as I huff and gruff against his hand. He quickly removes it pinning my shoulder now.

"I know a lot of he's." I shrug rolling my head to the side.

"Where's the Joker?" He asks once again, the point of the masks nose digs into mine.

"I don't know." My smile now playful as I look into his eyes. "I'm just some low level criminal now so I really don't know anything." Batman grows agitated at my childish antics and strikes me across the face. My phone begins to ring but neither of us move from our current spots.

"Bitch." I laugh at him, "Hitting a defenseless girl."

"You're a murderer." He growls in my face. My phone goes off again making me quickly push the side button to silence it.

"That I am." I wink at him as I regain my composure. The son of a bitch punches me in the face again.

"You are crazy just like your mother." The over grown man dressed in black latex spat in my face.

His comment made me giggle as blood and sylvia mix pooling down my chin. "Orphan Caddy, Orphan Caddy because her crazy mommy killed her daddy. Off to Arkham was she went, never to return again. Lil' Caddy all alone, lil' Caddy forced to stone. By herself did she grow up just to be treated like a mangy mutt. Murderer! Murderer! They cried when she stuck the cold barrel of a nine right between her foster mothers' eyes. As the story of Crazed Caddy goes she likes to kill and inhale gun smoke." I laughed harder after my little rhythm, my blood and spit splaying on his face as it's forced out by my laughter.

"I'm taking you to Arkham where you belong." He sighs taking a blunt object and hitting me in the side of the head with it. Knocking me out cold.

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