Chapter 8

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Blinding bright lights flood through my thin eyelids startling me awake. I struggle to sit up as my eyes try to adjust to the assaulting light. "Mmm...." I groan as my head lulls to the side. The room is white with soft padding along every inch of it's surface. Across from me is a door covered in the same padding with a tiny window on it looking in. Fighting to get to my feet, I do a small crawl on my knees before using the wall for some kind of leverage. "That fucking bat..." I grumble facing the door, "Who does he think he is? Better yet why is the window so high up?"

I sigh as I jump trying to peak out of the blank square room. Able to see over the seal of the small rectangular glass. My eyes meet cold grayish blue ones. Quickly I slide along the wall next to the door, inching my way to the corner. I've heard horror stories about this place. Doctors performing inhumane experiments on their patients. Drilled in the head, drugged up or gased out is they say among many other things. I for one do not want to be a lab rat. The door cracks open, a sleek black leather shoe stopped between the door and its frame. Inching in slowly as if careful not to let out an indoor animal.

A well dressed man wearing a long white coat stands in the small room with me. Black raven hair, sharp jaw line, a gentle smile adorned upon his soft pink lips. "Hello, Ms. Caddy. I'm Dr. Crane."

"Alright. I'll bite. Why am I here? I haven't done anything." I spat at the man as I stood my ground in the corner of my room.

"On the contrary Ms. Caddy, let's see." He pulls out a plain cream colored folder from behind his back. The tab on the side has my name on it, he licks his thumb and flips through the various papers. "Daughter to Richard and Catherine Caddy. You've seem to have been charged with multiple murders."

"They were dropped." I grinned as I shrugged, leaning against the wall to get more comfortable. "What I am saying is I haven't done anything to warrant being here." I pursed my lips as I spoke.

"Ah, a family member brought you here out of concern." Dr. Crane cheekily smiled at me before continuing to read his file on me. "Your mother killed your father infront of you as a child. As a child on the verge of being a preteen you killed your foster parents."

"Hold up!" I stood up straight dawning on the idea a relative would bring me here. "Who brought me here?"

"Your cousin. Bruce Wayne." He looked at me confused, "He said it was safest for you and Gotham that you stay here. Work out your kinks."

I couldn't help but bust out laughing, I remember dad always talking about having a sister that married rich. "Well he's a liar. So let me go!" I demanded as I stomp my feet.

"How cute." He chuckled as he walk towards me. He gently pat the top of my head as his eyes seem to pierce through my own. "You're a very hurt little girl. No, I mean woman. You're also very dangerous to be let roaming around. Don't fret though I'm here to help you heal."

"Don't be creepy. Stop touching me. Pervert." Averting his touch I was able to free myself from the corner. I held my head and stood my ground. "Nothing you do will work."

I know this is kinda short and I've been M.I.A but I really wanted to at least put something out to move one of my stories along. Thank you all for your support.

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