Chapter 10

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"Why do you keep coming back here?" I lean back in my chair as I keep my eyes fixed on my older cousin Bruce. He's visited me three times a week,this has gone on for almost a month, "Aren't you busy running some billion dollar business?" 

"You're family and truth be told I enjoy your company." He chuckles as he repositions himself. 

"Yeah it's fun, huh? Chit chat for a bit with the crazy and get to leave, to breath the fresh air and be free, while I'm stuck in here wearing a damn crazy jacket confined to a white room for a cell. "

"It's not like that." Bruce retorts.

"Then what is it?" I sneer lunging at him only to be slammed into the table that separates us.

"You do have humanity left in you. I want to help you if you let me." His blue eyes held empathy as he reached out to hold my hands. The door opens revealing a new guard, his blue uniform shirt hugs his torso way to tightly as well as the heavy looking bullet proof vest. Slick backed black hair, his eyes are green that seem to have anger and mischief dancing in them. He just stares at Bruce with a hard glare. "Times up." The guard grunts, he looks at me with a smirk. "Lunch time Caddy."

"I guess I will see you next week." Bruce stretches as he stands up. "Maybe I can bring a chess board next time."

"If secruity lets you." Looking up at my cousin, I give him a weak smile. "Bye Bruce. See you next time." 

As soon as the door closes behind Bruce the guard begins to uncuff my wrists and ankles. His large hands are rather gentle and not rushed with me. Bill usually just pulls and yanks at the cuffs as he unlocks them. I stand up and hold out my arms in front of him. Expecting to be hand cuffed again, he just shakes his head and opens the door. In silence I walk to the cafeteria with him following close behind. I feel his eyes on my back as if they were laser beams. I'm just happy not to be shackled. 

My stomach grumbles making my little legs pick up the pace to the large beige cafeteria doors. Quickly I get my tray of food and sit at table farthest in the room. Pointy, boney fingers glide across my shoulders causing me to shudder. The person in question slams their tray down next to mine. I whip my head to the side, anger and blood lust hit me all at once, coming face to face with my mother. The side of her face spilt only to be held together by scar tissue. Brown eyes surrounded by dark, sunken in skin. All in all life has been hard on the old bitch.

She stabs her fork into my hand. Not getting the reaction she wanted she grows even more angry as she lets out some banshee screech. Swiftly pulling the fork out I stab it through her good cheek before head butting her. "After all these years, I figured mommy dearest forgot all about wittle ole me."  I pout mocking her. "I'm glade you didn't." Tackling Catherine down, I press my knees onto her shoulders as each of my fist collide into her face. Over and over again.

An euphoric feeling of adrenaline settles over my entire being. It pushes me to hit harder and faster, joy slowly washes in as well at the sight of her choking on her own blood. Time seems to slow as all around me grows dull, it's as if we were alone. Although in reality a riot in the cafeteria broke out. Guards running in a single formed line now block the doors. Bill runs up to my restraining my arms to my side. 

"Come on girly." I wiggle in his hold trying to free myself. For an old guy he sure is strong to carry me all the way to a little dark room. "Stop fighting Caddy!" He growls slamming me against a metal table that is standing at a slant. The man makes quick to restraint my wrist, legs then head. "Dr. Crane will be seeing you soon." 

It feels like hours have passed since being tied down to this damn examination table. The room is dimly lite and full of all kinds of different machines with green and red lights all over them. Finally the door creaks open as Dr. Crane walks in.

"Comfy?" The doctor asks sarcastically. All I can do is glare at the asshole as he comes closer to me. "Since your hostility finally surfaced, we can take a much more fun approach to your road of recovery." His smile and eyes hide the malicious intent behind them. He pulls a syringe that is only of a quarter of the way filled up out of his pocket. 

"I knew you were a quack doctor!!" I begin to struggle against the restraints but to no avail. 

"Hush. It's only a little. Just enough to keep you here." The loone keeper has really gone off the deep end. Giggling as he shoved the needle into the side of my neck. "The fear drug should help us get to the root of your problems." My eyesight gets blurry and the room feels like it's spinning. To my dismay the lights suddenly shut. The world becomes dark shortly only to be filled by a loud wailing sound accompanied by flashing red lights. The man seems panicked and runs for the door leaving me behind. 

"Son of a bit…" shapes begin to form and move, taking to life in the dark corners of the room. The shadow becomes larger.

"(Y/N)!!!" The shadow growls out in an obnoxious slur. "Where the fuck are ya? Huh?" It starts to make a smacking sound with each step. 

My eyes go wide as remembering that drunken voice, it belongs to my foster father. The man comes closer making my whole existence feel smaller than what I am. My body started to tremble in fear. Never knowing what would come next from this man. A beating? Molest me? Or try to strangle me again? Against my will tears began to roll down my cheek, one after another. My voice shakes as I call out for help like I used to do as child. I feel the leather of his belt snap tight around my neck. 

"Whore." He hisses as the belt is pulled tighter. I gasp for air as my body struggles to be free. "Useless." The smell of vodka lingers on his hot breath. "Fat bitch." Each insult he pulls the belt, the metal on it pinches my skin breaking it open. 

"HELP ME!!!!" I manage to scream before falling victim to exhaustion. 

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