1. Hail On My Rain

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     “I’m so sorry for your loss Tristy.” My friend said hugging me. I hugged her and nodded keeping back tears. I can’t believe my father had passed away. I don’t really know what else to do. It’s going to be hard going back home to an empty house. He was always there for me. Especially when my mother died. That was hard on him. I then returned the favor by staying home to take care of him when we learned he had developed cancer. He survived a good three years. You wouldn’t have even known he was sick, until this last two months. Ever since my 20th birthday everything has just went downhill. At least I know his in heaven not hurting anymore. I stepped out of the church and saw my dad’s sisters smoking talking. I never called them my aunts because they never really liked me. I don’t understand why. Maybe it was just because they were just a couple of wealthy snobs who thought they were better than everybody. My uncle Jerry stepped out and put an arm around my shoulders. He was my mom’s only brother.

“I’m really sorry kiddo. I know this is really tough on you. Henry was a real good man.” I nodded and wiped a tear away. He kissed my head. “You can come stay with us awhile if you want?” I looked up at him.

“Thanks but I have to go home and get together some of dads things.” I heard a giggle.

“My dear child, bless your heart. I will never understand Henry when it comes to you.” Trina said. I turned to her and gave her a mean look. Her and Barbra walked to me after tossing their cigarettes. “I certainly hope you don’t plan on keeping my brother stuff.”

“Why shouldn’t I? He’s MY father.” I said giving her an evil look.

“Alright girls let’s just calm down ok, we’re at Henry’s funeral for god sakes.” My uncle said pulling me closer.

“Ha I see they decided to keep you in the dark after all these years.” Barbra spat out to me. I scrunched my eyebrows.

“Barbra! Enough.” Jerry said. I looked to him.

“What’s going on?”

“Nothing dear.” He smiled to me.

“Henry’s not really your father.” I heard Trina say.

“Liar!” I turned to her quickly.

“Oh really just ask your dear loving uncle Jerry here.” I looked to him. His jaw was dropped and he looked down to me.

“Dammit Trina! Don’t you know this is the worst possible time and place! You should really learn to keep your damn mouth shut! She’s done nothing to you.” He hugged on to me.

“Jerry please tell me she’s lying.” Tears formed in my eyes again. He just stared at me almost tearing up.

“I’m so sorry Tristy! This is not how you should find out.” My jaw dropped and I covered it crying. I fell to my knees. Uncle Jerry went down with me. I cried into his shoulder as he stroked my hair.

“I think you should fill her in.” I heard Barbra say.

“And I think you should leave.” Jerry said angry. I heard the church doors open and close as they walked in.

“Tell me… what happened.” I choked out. I turned to see his face as we both sat on the steps.

“Well when your mother was 17 she met a guy named Frank Wright at a party. They really hit it off and... ya know. Then the next day she found out he was really 15. He left and then a month later she learned she was pregnant. She couldn't go tell him because she knew if he still lived with his parents and under their guard they could send her to jail for rape, since he was under 16. So she just went on with her life. Luckily she met Henry when she was 6 months pregnant. I didn’t like the fact that he was 10 years older but they really hit it off and he was ready to settle down with kids. We learned that he had cancer when he was younger so he couldn’t have kids because the chemo or something, but it was all gone when he met your mother. He really took care of her and you. He loved you like his own which made his sisters jealous.” He put a hand to my cheek and made me face him. “Even though he wasn’t your birth father he raised you as his own. I think he’s truly the one that deserves to be called your father. Ok?” I smiled and nodded then cried a little more.

    After learning all that new information it made it harder to watch him be buried. I wasn’t even his blood and he still loved me. It’s hard to find good people like that. The world sure did lose a good one. After chatting with some more family I went home.

    I walked in the house and went to my dad’s wine cabinet I knew my mother wouldn't want me to drink but I think I deserved one. I was just going to have a glass. I poured some and sat in the living room floor where photo albums were spread out. I had spent most of yesterday finding good pictures for the ceremony. I took a drink and made a face. Eh bitter. I pulled an album toward me and started flipping through the picture. Some made me smile and some made me laugh. I looked at one specifically. It was of me, him, and my mother. We looked very happy. I looked closer at it. How could I not have noticed before. I feel so stupid. I didn’t have any features like Henrys. If my face didn’t give it away my eyes certainly would. He and my mothers were brown. Mine were blue, and I never questioned it. I didn’t feel I needed to. I kept sipping on my wine. I could feel it kicking in. I was a light weight because this is the first time I had drank anything alcoholic. I never partied as my friends did. I had a scholarship I was aiming for. I got it too, but had to sadly postpone it because of my dad getting sick. I wanted to care for him. I know now he would want me to go to college. I closed the book and carried the picture to my room. I took the last sip and sat the cup on the counter. I sat the picture on the table by my bed and changed. I got in bed. It may be the wine thinking but I’m extremely curious to find out who this Frank guy was. I think I’ll head down to my social worker in the morning to see if I can get some more information.     

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