11. My Opportunity

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     I woke to a creaking noise. I looked at the clock. 3:25. Should have known. I smiled and debated on whether or not I should get up. I yawned and my throat felt awfully dry. Eh a cup of water wouldn’t hurt. I threw the covers back and stood straightening my clothes. I pushed my hair from my face and opened the door. The floor was quite cold so I tiptoed my way to the kitchen. I stopped in my tracks and my jaw dropped along with my heart when I saw what was going on.

-A few minutes earlier-


      I stared at the ceiling in thought. I huffed; another sleepless night. Tristy’s a sweet girl, and very grown up. I sure hope things turn around for her and Tre and she decides not to leave. I really enjoy her company… a lot. I got up and went to my bathroom in hopes of finding some sort of sleep aid. Nothing. Guess I’ll check the kitchen and fix me a drink. I walked to the kitchen and looked in the cabinet nothing. I poured me some milk in hopes of that calming me down. It makes babies sleepy so why not me. I turned the glass up when I felt a hand touch my side and ease around my stomach. I smiled. “Tristy?” I turned and was shocked to see a nappy headed Sam. She was sleepy eyed but smiling. She only had on a tank top and panties. No bra. “Oh god.” I tried to push her away but she had me trapped between her and the bar.

“Oh Billie, I’m much older. You shouldn’t go for that kid.” She let out a hiccup. “I can do many more things.” She eased her finger down my chest. I made a face and pushed it to her.

“Have you been drinking.” She snickered and laid her head into my chest. I held tight on her wrist because I didn’t want them on me.

“Shhhhhh. Don’t tell Tre. I snuck a few.” She grinned.

“I can see. Well im going to bed.” I fake yawned. I pushed her aside and went to walk but she quickly turned and pinned me against the table causing it to screech across the floor.

“Take me with you.”

“Dear god help me. Sam your drunk and need to get to Tre.” She leaned closer and I kept trying to move but couldn’t I was bending backwards almost lying on the table. My elbows rested on it holding me up.

“Don’t tell me what I need.” She slurred smiling again. Her breath smiled terrible soaked in liquor.

“Please Sam.. Control yourself.” She chuckled and before I knew it she threw herself on me as we fell on the table. Her lips smashed into mine and I gritted my teeth shut as tight as I could; my lips tight as well. She started moaning and I managed to move my hands to push her up. Her knee was on the table beside me. She smiled and looked ahead. Her smile faded. “Uh.. oh.. Billie how dare you.” She jumped up and I scrunched my eyebrows and looked back to see Tristy standing their, her hand covering her mouth. With the face she had you would have thought I shattered all her dreams.

“Tristy!” I quickly sat up.

“I-I’m sorry I interrupted you.” She blinked and quickly looked down. I scrunched my eyebrows and she turned.

“N-No! It’s not what it looks like!” She walked out and I pushed passed Sam wiping my mouth I caught up you her before she entered her room. “Tristy I swear.” I grabbed her arm and pulled her to face me. “She came on to me and forced herself on me I tried to get away but she-“

“Billie, stop. You don’t have to explain anything.” She said calmly and smiled leaving me confused. “You’re a grown man you can do whatever and whowever you want. You’re an adult I’m still just some kid. We’re not dating or anything. You can see who you want. It’s not like we like each other or something.” She looked away from me. Her tone dropped when she said that last bit. I searched her face a bit hurt. Mostly because I could tell she was hurt.

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