4. Late Night Snack

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(Tristy POV)

    I woke and checked my phone. 2:18. Ugh my stomach started to growl. Maybe I should have had a piece of pizza. I lied to Tre or Frank whatever his name is about eating earlier. I sat up and threw back the covers. Surely there’s something I can snack on quietly in the kitchen. I got up and made my way quietly to the door. I slowly twisted the handle and slowly opened it. I looked down the hall and saw nothing. I stepped out and toward the kitchen. When I stepped into the kitchen I saw Billie sitting there eating a bowl of cereal. He had the candle in the center piece on. It was one of those Battery operated ones. I let out a breath and lowered my head. I really didn’t want to have a snack with company.

“Couldn’t sleep?” He whispered. I looked up.

“Got hungry.” I whispered back.

“Shoulda had some piiizzaah.” He sang. I rolled my eyes. “I’m kidding. Bowls are in right top shelf milk is in the fridge.”

“What makes you so sure I want cereal?”

“Ok then what would you like princess.” I made a light growl. “I’m kidding.”

“I guess I’ll just take cereal since its out.” I saw him smile just before looking back down to his bowl. I grabbed a bowl and spoon, then got the milk from the fridge and sat. He slid the box to me smiling and I poured me some giving him an evil look.

“Why do you hate me so much?”

“I don’t even know you that well so how can I hate you?” I poured the milk and capped it.

“Touche. Then why are you so mad?” I gave him a dumb look. “Oh nevermind.”

“What about you Mr. Rockstar? How come if you’re so famous as you claim to be then why are you living here? Shouldn’t you be living it up in your mini playboy mansion?” He chuckled a bit a stirred his cereal.

“I see why you would think that, because I’m so damn hot.” I rolled my eyes. “Believe it or not, I was married.” He seemed a bit said when he go to the was part.

“What happened? If you don’t mind me asking.” He shrugged and looked at me with a slightly sad face. I could tell he was in pain.

“I don’t know, we were just two completely different people.” He looked down at his bowl. “I’m more into loving one person and only that person, and she was more in to the neighbor, well he more into her I guess I should say.” I brushed his dirty joke aside and actually felt bad for him. He’s either being serious or just playing some cruel trick to make me feel bad for him.

“I’m really sorry Billie.”

“Oh so now you’re gonna be nice to me after I tell you my hearts been ripped to shreds?” He smiled a bit. I just sat there with my mouth open not really knowing what to say. “I’m only kidding Tris.”

“Please don’t call me that. Only my mother calls me that.” I said softly. I could tell I lightened his mood after thinking he may have gotten me on his side.

“Um… how is your mother? Does she know you’re here?” I shoved cereal in mouth. After I chewed it I cleared my throat.

 “Uh… shes uh…” I cleared my throat trying not to cry. “She died when I was 16.”

“Oh my god Tristy, I’m so sorry.” I just shook my head and stirred my cereal. He placed his left hand on my arm. I could see a white ring around his ring finger were his wedding band once sat. I pulled my arm from his grip and placed my hands in my lap. “Does Tre know?” I shook my head. I heard him swallow as if he had a knot in his throat. I know I sure did. “You have too y’know?”

“I know.”

“You have to tell him soon.” I nodded. A tear fell. “Please don’t cry.” I heard him get up and he wrapped his arms around me hugging. I normally would have pushed him away but I really did need a hug. No one had hugged me since the funeral.

“Just because I’m letting you hug me… doesn’t mean… I’m going to be nice” I said between soft cries. I heard him chuckle.

“ I know… hey…I can tell him if you want me too?” I shook my head. He pulled back and bent in front of me.

“I have to do it.” He nodded and smiled a bit.

“Ok, But I can be there ok?” I nodded and rubbed my nose. “Now go to bed. You need to get some sleep.”

“Please, don’t talk to me like I’m a child.” He smiled and put his hands up.

“Alright.” He whispered. He smiled to me. “Well good night Miss Baker.” He put his bowl in the sink. I nodded to him and he walked upstairs to his room. I wiped my eyes and finished my cereal. I ran a little water in my bowl and quietly laid it in the sink. I stepped back to the hall and entered my room. I got back in bed and stared at the ceiling a good thirty minutes thinking. Should I give him a small chance to try and explain or should I just pack up and go home and pretend all of this never happened? A big debate went on in my head for awhile before I fell asleep.   

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